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Archive for November, 2006

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Life is full of bamboo.

Wednesday, November 15th, 2006

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These are the pictures of the glorious honeymoon sweet perched on the river pai. This shall be my last day here, as I finally tear myself away to head to the Golden Triangle Tomorrow.

I’ve always enjoyed travel. Whether, bus, car or bicycle, it can drain the saddness out of man quick and fill hip with spiritual ideals. I tend to focus on the immediate moment on a long bus ride, letting the scenery roll by as it comes. Not anxious and with no expectations, serene and calm. My 8 hour monk at the monastery said, “The present is all we have, the past is forgotten and the future is unknown.”

My last two days in Pai have been spent mainly on motorcycle, and this is where all these roadside analogies are coming from. To its credit, it’s more of a scooter than a motorcycle, but i’m very prideful in my manhood.

Tomorrow I plan to log 7 hours of bus travel if I can make it. My plan is to traverse way north, and the day after make it to the tourist spot where you can take a picture of Thailand, Laos, and Burma all coming together in a place called the Golden Triangle.

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Pai’s Countryside

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006


I decided to rent another motorcycle. Automatic this time around, much easier than a manual. And what a wonderful day it was.

I was reminded the role an automobile plays in daily life. Every day back home I would ride in a car, and for these two weeks, minus buses I have not. It felt great to explore, to see the world at 50 miles per hour instead of 3. I was more inclined to go into town, and it fit right with my somewhat settled lifestyle in Pai.


I do not forsee tomorrow being the day I leave. This town took my travellers side and coddled it like a baby making me want to settle. This is the best town in Thailand they say, and I agree.


Night 4 in Pai, coming up…

Monday, November 13th, 2006
I was planning on catching a bus to Chiang Mai to begin my ascent up north to Laos. However, this town really does make a travelling man a settled man. I'll be here tonight, so nothing much to ... [Continue reading this entry]

Three Days in Pai, with a few more I reckon…

Monday, November 13th, 2006
I got off the bus and walked around with the two brits I had met on the bus, Alex and Steph. I was planning on going to the other side of town, but I followed them and got a ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Bridge on the River Pai

Saturday, November 11th, 2006
I have finally come to peace with leaving the monastery. I felt weak willed, but even so, things have worked out well for both parties. I took a cheap tuk-tuk to the bus station on the eastern edge of Chiang ... [Continue reading this entry]

The first monk… and the first tears…

Friday, November 10th, 2006
Alright, so my 10 day meditation didn't work out, but before you judge, read on... I had gotten the scavenger list worth of things to bring to the monastery, and arrived at 8 am with 11 white roses. They dressed ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Last Communication Part II: The Bar Scene

Thursday, November 9th, 2006
Battling an ear infection all day, I blame a botched surgery at birth, I bought a weeks worth of antibiotics for about $5. I re-read an alll-white student outfit for my time there. As I read on, there it was, ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Last Communication

Thursday, November 9th, 2006
G'day everyone. This shall be my last communication for 10 days, if I can last that long. This shall be my new home: wat-jpg.jpg I have enrolled in a 10-day meditation course at Wat Ram ... [Continue reading this entry]

Chiang Mai in pictures…

Tuesday, November 7th, 2006
Another sleepless night as i was right above the heart of the action, no wonder my room only cost $4.25. Had a wonderful breakfast of pineapple, papaya, mango and cornflakes. 2 cups of coffee to compensate for lost ... [Continue reading this entry]

The trade off: Oceans for Mountains

Tuesday, November 7th, 2006
Oh you silly lads, did you really think I'd just laze around the beach my whole trip!? Ha! The night after the full moon party, I lay in bed and started drooling over the fact that I could, ... [Continue reading this entry]