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We all begin somewhere

Saturday, August 27th, 2005

I recently noticed that to many of my NYC friends, and especially to my friends abroad, El Paso is more foreign a place than Paris or London could ever be. With that in mind, and having to say goodbye to this warm, humbling city in 3 days, I decided a picture update of my home land was in order.

El Paso doesn’t have much of a reputuation outside of its immediate region, and that reputation isn’t very favorable. But around the Franklin Mountains are a people filled with culture, flavor, and enough spice to have kept me around so many years. Ironically, these pictures focus more on the aesthetic than on the people themselves, but imagery inspired me today. People have inspired me my entire life.

Enjoy the picture tour:
[read on]

Public Service Announcement!

Monday, August 22nd, 2005

In preparation for nearly 4 months of life in Tuscany I did some shopping for my trip today. With Diego, my trusty accomplice on my side, we head out on an adventure that ended up being less sketchy than what I had imagined in my head.

I drove the highlander at top speed (30 mph), outrunning cops left and right. I parked, leaving skid marks. We then ran in. An old man near the pharmancy was blocking the condoms, so we quietly and calmly moved him to the side, knocking him over, only to hear him scream “Oi, my schmookem!”

I then took the rather large box of condoms (40 count) , and in a very un-superhero-esque way, paid for them.

Sigh, it wasn’t the adventure I was awaiting, but alas, they are purchased and I, my roomie, or anyone in need this semester will be safe.

Now before everyone thinks I’m going abroad for a romp fest, that would be inaccurate. Should the opportunity present itself, and someone says to me “Edgar would u tap that?” I would look at the object in question, and if pleasing enough, or Swedish, i might reply “sure, I’ll tap that.” But I don’t expect this to happen this semester. I will be a world traveler, that will remain my focus. But w/ NYU’s warning clear of going to such a Catholic country, with limited and expensive condoms, i decided to be proactive. Applaud or Protest if you must!

This is me, scratching my head and wondering, “why was this not more exciting?”
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The object at hand….ha!! ha! ha….sigh
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One week left to go! enjoy the Franklin mountains in the background!

Peace, Spice, and Adventure

The countdown begins now…

Friday, August 12th, 2005
EDIT this is a keeper! I am uncertain as to whether I will keep this travelblog, but at the moment it seems like a quality idea to keep this one strictly for sight-seeing and cultural adventures, while my infamous live journal ... [Continue reading this entry]