Day 83 – Deer Recovery via Helo
April 17th, 2007Pulled out of the trailer park went on down the road to the Bushman center. This is run by a wacky couple trying to recreate the hardships of life living in the wild country. Possums and stokes (ferret like creatures) were introduced to NZ and are a menace to the environment. NZers are very protective of their land and have an ultimate respect for it, its preservation and its future. Not sure if this stems form the Maori relationship or their genuine dependence on it for survival but they have succeeded in protecting much of it as national parks. Ordinary citizens are rigid about recycling, abhor littering and take offence to anyone – including pesky animals, mucking it up. Hence at the center’s cafe cafe, various forms of possum pies were served. They kill them off and celebrate their demise by featuring them on the menu. Our rafting instructor told us a funny story about fellow guides rafting 2 boatloads of people down the river valley we did. As they came around one corner, they spotted a whole family of stokes sunning on the rocks. Without so much as a word or moments hesitation, they both steered the boats towards the shoreline hopped out and beat the stokes to death with their paddles in front of a group of stunned rafters. These people are vehement in their dislike of the creatures and do not screw around.
Which bring me to the next enviromental menace…Red Deer were introduced early last century from Scotland as a sport animal for the brits. With no natural enemies and apparently the english not having very good hunting skills, they spread over the islands and eating all the vegetation. In the 1940s, the govt employed some hunters to try and minimize the population. Some years later, a market for the meat was found in Germany. There was big money to be made but the deer had to be captured alive. So the kiwis came up with their brilliant deer recovery plan. They would find deer running in the mountains, a guy would climb out onto the skid (they became known as skidbiters) and would leap onto the back of the deer and tackle it to the ground. I watched a film on this and it was bloody amazing. FOr as many successes, there was a lot of people not quite making the deer or rolling precipitiously down a ravine with a buck. It was wild and incredibly stupid looking but it apparently worked. They used to wire into the helicopters electrical system to shock the deer (yes, true too they had it on video) and then tie and carry it under the chopper to a deer farm. Finally they invented a type of net gun that could catch the deer and the skidbiter would not actually have to leap from a moving vehicle. They actually had newclip where some NZers were asked to come to the US and use the technique to relocate some bison which they did. Amazing ingenuity.
Rolled into Franz Josph Glacier. This glacier, retreating like the rest, is one of the only places where it goes to sea level and is considered a warm glacier. You have to walk through a rainforest to get to the bottom. I got a good nights sleep to energize for the adventure planned the next day.