Day 97 – Koh Tao to Bangkok
Sunday, April 29th, 2007Took a ‘taxi’ to the port. Read ‘climb into the bed of a pick-up truck’. With all the backpacks and scuba tanks coming to this island, no one uses cars to transport. Another 1.5 hour ferry to the port town of Chumphorn where I grabbed a “VIP” coach to ride for the next 7 hours north to Bangkok. Double-decker air conditioned, pink leather bus which plays DVDs so the time passed rapidly until they put in Texas chainsaw massacre and I decided to try and read a book instead of dealing with crazies – there are enough real threats to busy myself with – do not need to occupy myself with gore.
The bus was supposed to drop us at Khao San road, a small backpacker haven lined with places to stay. We got off somewhere that was decidely not lined with anything. Great – first time downtown in one of Asia’s largest digs, it is dark, raining and while I have a map in hand – it is not much help when I do not know where in the dickens I am on that map. No one could get a clear answer why the bus did not stop where it was supposed so I latched onto some brits who had stayed there before and we prodded directions out of people until we made our way.
What a place – neon, crowds, stalls. Anything you want on this street you can get – fake designer this and that, jewelry and amusingly fake NY driver’s license and even diplomas! Might have to pick me up a degree in something. First place was full so since it was now thundering and downpouring, I sidled to the next lit sign since next door and took a room. Not exactly sure what about about the charthouse gave me the creeps but it did. Perhaps it was the sign encouraging you to add your own padlock to the door but I checked out in the morning first thing and went back to the first place D & D inn.