Temple of Heaven, Beijing
Bit of a skull-bender last night. I think it ended with me convincing a Norwegian kid to forget about college and just start traveling. His parents were there too so I’m not sure how happy they were about my suggestions.
The hotel Thommo put me up in for the wedding was great. We checked out and headed over to the temple of heaven, one of Beijing’s premier sights. I didn’t expect the air in Beijing to be as clean as it’s been, but a strong wind has pushed the pollution out of the city and we’re enjoying perfect blue horizons and bright stars at night.
The Temple of Heaven is massive, matching the scale of Beijing where streets seem to be either alleyways or eight lanes wide. In Ming dynasty architecture the square represents earth and the circle heaven. The temple is a wide expanse of circles and squares with the highlight at the northern end.
Tags: Beijing, Eurasia: Marco Polo-in' it
hi dan, my brother lives in kunming, I know you’re going silk roadish, but if by chance you go down there, tiger leaping gorgeous. etc. i know he’d love to hang out. email him at taithis@yahoo.com. best wishes on your travels. much love, jen-ai