Shake your booty-stan
If you’re disturbed by your teenage daugter’s obsession with the lives of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan stay vigilant and know that things could be worse: they could be Russian.
It only takes a minute or two watching Russian TV to learn that women’s booties are made to shake and skin is there to be shown off. The women here in Bishkek play along willingly, wearing the sluttiest outfits they can throw together. Walking the streets of Almaty or Bishkek feels like a Jay-Z video.
Other fashions that are hot in the former Soviet states include:
- Halter tops
- Beyonce ringtones on your mobile (as loud as possible)
- Gold teeth (any age, both sexes)
- Painted-on eyebrows
- Thong-da-dong-dong-DONG (with see through mini skirts) Ka-POW!
Tags: Eurasia: Marco Polo-in' it, Kyrgyzstan
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