BootsnAll Travel Network

So…i’m here


Ok, how to start my 1st entry from Thailand??

I could tell you about my journey. except there really isn’t much to tell. two tubes, a train, two planes, two buses and a sweaty 15 minute walk.

So i’m in Ban Phe. At the Siam english school. its nice. nice people. nice food. a nice cat who seems to have adopted me. i was only the 1st or 2nd person from the course to arrive here, so my 1st day was spent exploring the local town, eating some strange but delicious savoury porridge meal and playing pro-evolution soccer on a playstation with some young thai kids. For those who care about football games on computers this one is pretty up to date and includes Park on the Man U team, but sadly no Davids for Spurs. For those who don’t: I lost.

I was also invited to have some drinks with some of the locals within 2 minutes of stepping out of the school. We spent a pleasant hour drinking beer chang & learning the respective swear words in English & Thai. what an ice-breaker.

Ok. That’s about as much of my exciting life as I’m prepared to share with you right now. (there isn’t a whole lot more – believe me) . Some more students have arrived in the last couple of hours and it seems like a nice bunch of people.

Hope the U.K is doing O.K. It generally does. Just look at who gets to host the 2012 Olympics!

Peace and Love


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-44 responses to “So…i’m here”

  1. deffinately not Dan Nemenyi says:

    Alright bucks, britains rolling over for a police state hand to rub its belly as i type. No this isn’t just my disgruntled anarchist unfullfilled youth talking, it quite litterally is… marshal law has been applied already on a Brazilian dude shot multiple times by the boys in blue (actually they were undercover) on the underground for being a “suspected terrorist” (he was of course not)… Cops with guns everywhere, searching through bags on the underground… new anti-terrorism laws being rushed through which the judiciary is apparently not best pleased about… terrorism terrorists muslims… talk of the town… yuck this place is rotten my friend! It’s not doing ok, you left at a good time

  2. phentermine says:

    This makes me speechless 🙂 Very well done! phentermine ( )

  3. admin says:

    Hello there phentermine. What makes you speechless exactly???

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