BootsnAll Travel Network

Adios Anglia – The Buck starts HERE!!

August 2nd, 2005

Yep. The time has come. I dont think I’ve totally got my head around it but in 40 or so hours I will be on a plane to Abu Dhabi. i’m looking forward to a really good hour there & then I’m going to move on. Its not that I think I’ll be able to “do” Abu Dhabi in that short time, its just that I have a connecting flight to Bangkok & it would be foolish of me to miss this.

Saying goodbye to people is perhaps especially difficult because I really dont know when i’m going to be back in the U.K. It might be a year, it might be two. But the flip side to this uncertainty is an enormous sense of freedom. I haven’t got a wife or a girlfriend. I haven’t got a mortgage. I haven’t got a course or a pet or a toddler waiting for me to return. I’m scared & excited in fairly equal measures, and I’m going to miss my family & friends a hell of a lot.

Ok. so here’s the plan, as much as one can really be said to exist. Indeed if I end up sticking to this I’m going to be both surprised & slighty dissapointed in myself for not being more spontaneous/impulsive/foolish. Right, so I fly out thursday morning, stopover in Abu Dhabi, then arrive in Bangkok on friday morning. I’m spending a month at a teacher training college in Ban Phe. I’ve stuck a map that someone else has helpfully labelled here. After that month it all gets a bit hazy! I’m thinking at the moment to spend the 4 or so months till christmas travelling up through Thailand, then back down through Laos and Cambodia, north through Vietnam and along the Chinese coast to Japan where I hope to spend the holiday season with some friends. Along the way I may well ease myself into teaching with some short-term or vountary work. At the beginning of January my folks are going to meet me for a week, probably in Vietnam, and after that I’m going to get a proper teaching job somewhere & settle down for a while.

I know I’m going to look back at what I’ve just written above and laugh in the weeks and months ahead. Ah well. What will be will be.

hope I haven’t bored you all with a long post without any entertaining pictures. I will post up some photos of my goodbye drinks at East slope and the Bull & Butcher in the next few days.

Cheers for reading. The Adventure is about to begin.

The Buck starts here…

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teenage mutant ninja offspring

July 17th, 2005

Had a few people round for some drinks last night coz we’re moving out in a week. Got chatting to a friend of my flatmates who I’d never met before. He was telling me about how he’d lived in a lot of places as a kid coz his old man worked for the jim henson puppet company. turns out this geezer did the voice and animatronics for michaelangelo in the 1st 2 turtle movies!

“Wise man say: forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza.”

” Bodacious! ”


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some pics of me mates

July 11th, 2005

Thought I’d stick a few pics of me mates here. Read the rest of this entry »

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Who is Bucky?

July 10th, 2005

This is a question you may be asking yourself. You may have stumbled upon this blog and be curious as to the identity of its primary author. Or you may have met Bucky (you may even be a friend or relative of his) and are curious to know a little more… well 1st things 1st – here is a picture of Bucky with an alien and his mate Yorkshire Dave. Bucky is the person on the left. Yorkshire Dave stands to the right, and the figure in the middle is of unknown origin. (He certainly apperas to be enjoying his beer though!) so what else to know? Well, Bucky has a real name which he uses from time to time: Rob Buckman, is 21, and is currently wandering somewhere around Asia possibly teaching english. Indeed he might be teaching a class as you’re reading this. Equally, he may well be in a pub drinking cheap beer, or on a beach eating noodles. You just dont know….


moon love at the summer solstice

July 10th, 2005

This is me pondering on a rock at stonehenge, on the morning of the summer solstice. The energy of the place and the people was absolutely incredible. This is a geeza
standing on one of the stones as the sun was starting to rise. This pic is quite blurry but its one of my favourites from the night because of the rich blue colour of the sky and the strange yellow squiggles to the right of the image. Then we’ve got Katie doing some gelatinous dancing! in that way that only she can! And then this one below is a huge face in one of the stones

The summer solstice at stonehenge was a really unique and brilliant experience. So if you’re in the U.K in june time head down to the henge! awoooooooga

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Loud, proud and looking like a plonker

July 7th, 2005

This is me, Little Rob & Tasha down at the beach on the night of gay pride in Brighton in August 2004. At some point in the evening (its all a bit hazy) i decided it would be a good idea to do a headstand on the hard stones whilst wearing a flowery skirt. Now thats something I can take pride in!! (being a tit)



July 7th, 2005

froggy the frog

This was the 1st image I ever put on my blog. Therefore I’ve decided to leave it here. It has absoutely no significance. My feelings towards frogs and other amphibians are totally neutral. Actually, maybe thats a bit of a cop-out. I did eat some frogs legs in a chinese restaurant a few months ago. They, like all weird and wonderful new flavours, tasted like chicken. And I like chicken. A lot.

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