The Game!! Real Mallorca Vs Real Madrid
What a great game to see Madrid where expected to win like 4 – 0 and took an early lead but Mallorca came back and won 2 – 1 . The crowd was going crazy, the weather was terrible, raining sooo hard I was soaked but when Mallorca equalised 6 min´s into the 2nd half the crowd just cheered every time the rain got harder and when Mallorca scored their 2nd with 9 minutes to go it just went crazy.
Cathy you may be able to help as you speak Spanish!!! the crowd were contstantly giving Beckham some stick, apart from the Spanish chanting Arsenal, Arsenal because they lost a few days ago to them they were also chanting PUTA (spl?) to Beckham, Im guessing its not a compliment, Catyhy?????
Also saw a sign for Ronaldo to read which was funny, a Spanish girl who I met there called Maria translated it for me and it basically said to Ronaldo ” your so big, you need to loose weight to be called fat!” and just in case he hadnt spotted the massive sign, every time Mallorca scorded they celibrated underneith it.
My camera got soaked and think Ive written it off, will see if it dries out, I keep gettin through these cameras on my trips, its gettin expensive.
So Im off exploring Mallorcas capital 2moro Palma, Have fun all and speak soon.
Tags: Travel, Travel, Travel, Travel, Travel
February 28th, 2006 at 8:37 pm
your mom needs to lose weight to be called fat. hehe. BAM!!
February 28th, 2006 at 10:04 pm
What are you saying Cathy???
March 1st, 2006 at 1:29 am
ummm…sorry mrs. brett. as an american we have a bad habit of using this phrase. i’m sure you are wonderful as you raised such a wonderful bloke as brett. apologies all around.
ps. brett…vegas updates are up.
March 1st, 2006 at 7:00 pm
HAHAHA thanks for the appology, ok hands up….. my mom didnt see or comment on your comment twas me, good appology though 😉 great pic´s from Vegas too, Im guessing the pic with the smile on it is Paloma??? you must have more pics of the trip? drop us an email with em if you get the chance
March 14th, 2006 at 10:03 am
so much sexual tension between u 2… just get it on will ya!! pmsl ;-o