BootsnAll Travel Network

Mount Pleasant, South Carolina

So you can really tell we are down south now, the way people talk down here is just so different from like New York. Its like ” have a nice day yall” it sounds like they put it on but obviously they dont. So on route today to Mt Pleasant South Carolina we came across the largest fireworks shop I ever seen just as we passed from North Carolina to South Carolina. We went in and were like kids in a candy shop ( guess it should be kids in a firework shop, but dont think its been said like that before ). You could buy just about everything in here so we bought a selection and filled up an all ready overfull car. One of the funniest things I saw happened in there too ( hope you dont mind this being mentioned loz? ) but Loz came out the toilet and had managed to get the two pieces of toilet paper she had put across the seat stuck in the top of her jeans without her knowing, so as she walked around the store she had them hanging, we tried not to laugh but at least got a picture before she got them both out.

That evening we check into the hotel and Loz was not hungry so the 3 of us went for Diner at a Mexican restaurant before heading out with loads of fireworks. We were not sure how legal this was, we even called the local police dept but no one was free to talk to us. We ended up in a church/graveyard and let quite a few of culminating in me just lighting a few rockets a sticking em in the brown paper bag filled with all the fireworks I bought and it went off like a huge bomb, no pics but I have a great video of it. We headed home and had an early night as it was a long drive to Tampa, Florida 2moro.

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