Day 4, 4/9/05, Chiang Mai
Im a tit…. woke up dead tired looked at my watch on the table it said 12.30….. thought what a waste of a day, rushed to get ready and headed out…. Its quiet I thought… checked my watch, its just gone 7am looked at my watch upside down in bed……
Well Im up now so headed off for a look round, found a nice little coffee shop and had breakfast then read up on Chiang Mai in my lonely Planet book. Saw some Wats like this one, Wat Don-Euang
Went walking for about
4 hours didnt have a clue were I ended up so flagged down a tuk tuk and went home for 10 Baht, 6 pence.
Now in internet cafe doing this so will update more later, laters…..
Well As I guess your all on the edge of your seats to see what Ive been up to next…. this probably will not sound like me….
Ok back… its 11pm here and need to get this done before I hit the bars….
Went to visit another Wat this afternoon housing a Jade Buddha. Wat Ou Soi Sai Kham which is located on Chang Moi Kao Rd, On the west of the Mae Ping River, near to the Tapea Gate. I was the only one there and ended up speaking with a young monk called Praggah Lankar Bhikkhu
and we talked for about 2 hours about England, America, Religion ( well Buddha ) He was a very well educated person and I think enjoyed practicing his English out on me. I told him about this blog as he has an email address and he asked me to email my sites name, dont think I can though cause my lifestyle and Buddhism dont really match and from the little I know im not supposed to give him ideas about western life, girls etc. He’s suposed to have very little contact with the opposite sex, wouldnt want my blog to corrupt him, I may get struck down by Buddha….. if he does that sort of thing 🙂
After this I headed up to the Night Bazzar, Chiang Mai’s largest attraction and been here for hundreds of years, its massive, street after street, mile after mile of Market stalls selling everything,
people performing singing dancing etc, like this Thai OASIS tribute band
food stalls selling every food you can imagine and loads you coudnt imagine, the smells were out of this world.
Beats Walsall market anyday…… Everyone just takes their time, no one seems to be in a rush cetainly a massive cotrast from Bangkok. Ive not seen any trouble anywere feels like the safest place in the world, I know before you say you still gotta keep your witts about you, I know and I do or am whatever. As you can see from this pic everyone gets into the swing of things, well 99% do..
Planning to do the Chiang Mai Museum 2moro then the zoo and also gotta arrange a treck into the mountains to visit some hill tribes, ride elephants, white water raft, see wild and exotic animals. I know I know I can here you all saying it and its true,, its a hard life….. 😉
Sorry for the large pic sizes for you that have a slow connection all I can say is GET BROADBAND!!!!! its cheap as chips know…
Still feel guilty bartering here, you get someone wants to give you a lift to were you want to go and I barter them down from like 20 pence to 6 pence , like it really matters, this place makes you tighter than a scot ( sorry if any scots read this ) ok tighter than my dad… God knows how Im goon cope back home in the night clubs when they want 3.50 for a bottle of beer and I start the haggeling at 6 pence…
Any hows beer to be drunk ( 35 pence for a ltr bottle of Chang Beer ) and people to meet so again laters.
Lastly cause i really do have to go, MOM im still alive stop worrying your mad, have you stopped smoking yet??
Tags: Travel
September 4th, 2005 at 5:27 am
Nice to see that you got there safely and that you have met up with some of the people that you spoke to on the internet. At least you are not on your own which would not be as fun.
I have looked at your blog and so far you are doing a good job if you can keep up this level of detail you will have a good memory from your travels to keep.
I particularly like the picture of the temple from the charlie and the chocolate factory river looks big.
Not much been happening here and to be fair it would be insignificant in comparisons to what you are currently doing.
Keep up the good work GLEN
September 4th, 2005 at 11:56 am
Thanks Glen…. Shouldnt even be thinking this but did you go into town this sat?? Gotta be the first one Ive missed for donkeys…… With the way things have gone flights and its so hard to make exact plans, not managed to meet up with anyone from Bootsnall yet…
Been in Chiang Mai 2 days now, so quiet, missing Bankok, its like the Asian NYC, May head back there for a bit in a few days after my hill tribe trecking Elephant riding, white water rafting stuff Ive got planned here over the next few days. Keep me informed about sunny Walsall and WS1, you have to keep up the good work…
September 4th, 2005 at 4:09 pm
yo bro!!
glad you made it safe and sound. don’t worry too much – the house hasn’t burnt down. yet!!
thailand sounds absoutley amazing and I hope you make the most of your time there! Keep up the ggod work with the blog too!!!
Have a good one mate.
September 4th, 2005 at 6:34 pm
Fantastic pics and talk-thru mate, will have to show the missus and Jessica, they will be impressed. Not so sure about Lewis though, he’s more interested in sucking his feet. Dawns been made redundant after 18 years so i’m sole breadwinner at the mo… will have to get her fixed up with something else sharpish. Keep up the good work with the blog.
September 15th, 2005 at 5:40 am
nice website dude. take care of ur self cousin. luv ya loads. missin clubbin wiv u. the kitten woz well cute in the pucs, trust me to say that eh? xxx cu soon xxx dont try any new food, most likely u wont like it yuck!