DAy 10, 10,09,05 Bangkok
Well this entry should read day 9/10 cause I havent been to bed yet from yesterday so just seems one long day..
Last night bumped into Graham and Gillian again and we decided to head out for a few beers, because of the previous night Gillian wasnt drink and was having an early night ( so she thought ) The first bar we ended up in had this young lad turn up on our table with a connect 4 game, 100 bhat to play him and the winner takes the pot. Of course hes amazing and the chances are you will never beat him but I gave it ago, Its like a pound so…. Any hows he never thought about each turn, he was super fast beat me hands down in a couple of minutes…..
Then we had a few vendors in trying to sell use stuff, I ended up buying this little beaded wrist thing cause to be fair to the girl selling them she had a great sense of humour and a laugh with us and it cost like 10 bhat, 6 pence…
There was also a little street entertainment going on which was cool and the beers started going down a treat to be honest, Gillian at this point was still having an early one.
Moving on to the busy part of Chiang Mai we walked past the one bar and Jeroen came out and called to use ( Jeroen and Marjolein the Dutch couple from the elephant trekin day ) So we teamed up with them for more beer and darts, at which Im rubbish!!!! so thought it a good idea to move on and play pool.
By now it was about 1am and most places were closing, we managed to find this nice little bar with a couple of pool tables in it so we carried on drinking and playing pool. To say this bar though was a little strange is an understatement. There were 5/6 girls ( I use the term losely ) playing pool most 6ft, dress size 6/8 super fit and ( sorry girls ) but were just too good at pool to be women. After we alled looked on for a little while it became obvious that there were all lady boys!!!! They were a good laugh though and we played pool with them also plus some of the staff.
We were drunk but not that drunk so I dont need anyone worrying, although we were getting offers like ME COME BACK WITH YOU… Which I replied no thanks sir!!!!
He/she even said if you dont try you dont know!!!!!! I do know…. but it was very light hearted and we all ended up playing pool dancing to the music and just having fun, bit scary when one follows you into the loo though and offers them selves to ya……
Next thing we know its 6 am and the place is closing, so much for Gillians early night… Was a fab night though and have lots of fond memories of it. AS it was my last night in Chiang Mai I said all my goodbyes and headed home.
Having to get up though I thought it best not to sleep cause would probably miss my flight at 2.35 pm to Bangkok. So I went for a run in the rain at about 10am to wake myself up.
Headed over to the airport and Caught the flight Bangkok with Thai Air Asia. Cant fault em we got off slightly early and did the 686 mile trip in less than an hour.
Booked into a nice guest house called Merry V just off the Khoa San Road, its well busy…Planning an early night but who knows what will happen when I head out. plenty of sight seeing on the cards for 2moro so Im gonna shoot now, laters.
Tags: Travel
September 10th, 2005 at 10:30 am
Hellooooooo Brett
Oh my god I can’t believe that I forgot to check out your web page. It looks amazing you must be lovin it. The pics are fantastic keep em coming – Cant believe the lady boys, reminded me of Miriam!! remember her/him!!! Well I guess it beats a good old fashioned night in WS1!! Its raining cats & dogs here in wolvo & i’ve got loads of ironing to do. Must go now & tackle the mountain, Speak soon Brett keep safe Sarah & Josh XXXXXXXXXXXX