BootsnAll Travel Network

Day 1, 1/9/05 Bangkok

Where do I start???

Guess the start was my Dad dropping me off a Digbeth Coach Station at 1.40am 31/8/05 to catch the 2.20 am coah to Gatwick, arrived at 5.50am and my check in opened at 7.30am. I was pasanger 001 on the Ethiad flight so got to choose my seat for the first 7 hour flight, so got the extra leg room. The flight went well landing in Abu Dhabi Int Airport on time. Was there 50 mins before catching my next 7 hour flight to Bangkoks Don Muang Airport.

Day 1 1/9/05

Arrived at 7.35am local time, after sorting out immigration and bags I got a metered Taxi to My hostel, took about an hour and cost 350 Baht, just over 3 pounds. Big Johns hostel was nice got checked in and refreshed then went down to comunal bar. Met up with Vicky and Amee both from wales and we all headed over to the Kao San Road. Kao San Rd
Went for my first Chong Beer,,, Its soooo hot here, back to the hostel and met up with a few others, Ian Isle of White, Cyjer Switzerland, Julienne San Fransisco, Vicky and Amee from Wales and myself then headed out to the Nana district for food. We ended up in an Indian, had enough food to feed an army and beers for less than 4 pounds each… By now I had not been to sleep for about 50 hours so had an early night around midnight to catch up.

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