BootsnAll Travel Network

Bangkok Feaver!!!

Its now 3.15 am Thai Time on fri morning in Bangkok, 86 degrees F and cant find a hotel room so looks like im on the internet in a 24 hour cafe for a few hours. Its a shame they do not have the capacity to allow me to upload my photos so will get that done later today.

I dont know what it is about Thailand/Bangkok but I realised in the taxi from the airport to Kho San Road I had a huge smile on my face. This place is just so friendly….. Just bought an international phone card and spoke with my mom and dad which was nice to hear their voices. Only been here half an hour and just met Louise from Ireland who got here yesterday with her 3 friends and are planning to do the full moon party on Nov 16th so will no doubt see them there.

I think the biggest problem with China and the sterotype of the Chinese being rude and unfriendly just comes down to the lack of comunication. Saying that the one thing that really p@$$%# me off was the constant coughing up and spitting, everyone, young and old, male or female, it’s just horrid, they dont even hide it and at times you hear it behind you and just hope you dont feel anything hit you.

Trying to be good too, went straight into 7/11 to buy a Chang here and resisted buy water instead, it was tough though. Its now 8.30pm in the UK so all photos of China will be updated within 12 hours ( I hope )


No Responses to “Bangkok Feaver!!!”

  1. Hoya Salamui Says:

    On the month , Thailand have Loi krathong festival for worship the river. They support the Loi krathong festival under concept “Colorful water” at Chao Phaya River. You can read more than when you click here.

  2. Posted from Thailand Thailand

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