Back in Paradise!!!
9 and 10/11/05…Well folks Im settled in now for some time in South Thailands Ko Phangan….
The train, all 18 carriges of it turned up on time at the station and I knew I was in for fun in the PARTY Carrige when there was a carrige painted with the chang symbols…
After we set off I had a walk around and rounded a few people up for the party carrige. This was a first for Sophie and also Hannah from England (Hannah on the right of pic, Sophie on the left and of course me in the middle)who we met on the train. Upon entering the party carrige to make sure it was ok for me to put my music on I was jumped on by Natalie, who you may remember from a previous party carrige post. the 6 foot 2 ladyboy as she remembered me ( Not sure if thats a good thing or not? )
The beer started flowing and we even had some buckets containing the Thai Rum mention again in a previous post. Saw this and it reminded me of Cathy… has she been here????
We all talked, a little dancing and asleep by midnight.
Awoke at 5.30am to find that we were running about 2 hours behind schedual so didnt arrive in Surat Thani until 7.30am. This time the coach took us to a different port, in fact the port we arrived when we left Ko Samui before. We took 3 hours to reach Ko Samui before setting off to Ko Phangan which took another hour.
Once we arrived I headed straight back to Ban Tai and the Chokana resort and met up with Nong, the guy who works there. Sophie appeared to like the place and thinks the place is great compared to the noise and pollution of Bangkok, so I think she’s glad she came.
We both hired our own motorbikes and blasted down to Hat Rin, last night wed 9th there had been a half moon party on the beach and even at 4pm there was still people sleeping on the beach fully clothed from the previous night, even the music was still blasting out. That evening had a couple of beers and had an early nightish.
5 days and counting until full moon party, although tonight we are going to the beach party too. This morning I atlast got to fly my kite on the beach. It works a treat and went so high!!! Even one of the girls that works at the resort came to have a go.
Things went well until the string snapped and the kite headed off into jungle some distance away. I eventually found it stuck on top of a palm tree and as I stood there thinking there was no way I was ever going to get it down there was a small gust of wind which disloged it and it floated down and landed at my feet, pretty lucky me feels….
This afternoon we took our motorbikes and headed all around the Island
and found some amazing beaches like the one at Haad Ma Had were you walk accross sand
to the small island of Koh Ma and then onto Chaloklum beach. To get there we had to off road it on the bikes and travel over some real jungle roads, we both survived.
Also met two ozzie guys and an English guy this morning and they are coming to the beach party tonight with us so should be fun, they are also staying for the full moon party so at least there are people to hang with once Sophie leaves 2moro.
Fingers crossed for an amazing party 2night!!!!
Tags: Full moon party, ko phangan, Travel
November 11th, 2005 at 10:51 am
Never had the opportunity to draw a pickled liver will you bequest it to me one day? By the way I have the PERFECT xmas pressie idea how about a big black book for your party girls/boys/ladyboys. Can we have some pictures of torential rain please ?
November 11th, 2005 at 1:52 pm
holy crap. i can’t believe there was enough wind for that monster of a kite to get up! f*cking chinaman sold you cheap string! how dare he!!!
November 12th, 2005 at 6:00 am
H, still says your in Thailand!!!! how strange….. You can have my liver for your art class once Ive finished with it by all means…..
Cathy, the string I guess was my fault as I tied the kite to a post and left it, think friction snapped it, anyhows, stop writing your name on trains!!! I know you recon its not you but Im not convinced…..
November 13th, 2005 at 11:13 pm
so sad that the kite string broke. you worked so hard to get that sh*t….i want to see some moon pics!!!
and no…he didnt’ get any :O)
November 14th, 2005 at 12:14 am
Sorry to hear about your kite mate, hope my watch lasts a little longer! The last 2 x postings from “h” say posted from UK this end!… maybe its something to do with her settings?? Don’t get too wasted tonight. No what am I talking about?… DO!! Live it up. George Best is on the look out for a new liver again. I told him about yours coming up for grabs and he said get the **** out of here!!
November 14th, 2005 at 1:41 pm
Have fun in the next two weeks Bretty Boy, had our first sub-zero night in England on Sunday. The friction from your shivering will be sure to shake off that tan on your return. Are you planning a couple of days on Ko Toa before heading back? You can get to Bangkok approaching from the south by boat and bus if my memory serves me correctly, you don’t need Sura Thani. If your keen I look up this Tropical hillside bungalow place we stayed at, really cool snorkling there. Naaaaah, on second thoughts not enough women or booze for you there!!!!
November 17th, 2005 at 4:48 pm
hello. i think you have had sufficient time to recover from the party in order to update. how many more times do i have to comment in this particular entry?!
btw: do you know anything about petty claims court?