Last Night in Hanoi
Off to finish my marathon session watching the series LOST, 25 episodes in 2 days. Then off tonight for my last drink in Hanoi.
If any of you guys visit Vietnam Hanoi is a must by far the best part of Vietnam, well all most, Halong Bay first but thats just to chill, as cities or towns go then Hanoi.
Caught in two minds at the mo to whether im looking forward to 48 hours on a train 2moro from Hanoi to Beijing. I think Im looking forward to it, I have good company and will also meet others on the train. We have Cathy’s friend to meet in Beijing as she is American and there teaching English. She studid the chinese language for a couple of years I think and has worked out there for a while so hopefully when we are all out the language barrier problem shouldnt be too bad, may even learn a little chinese.
On the 3 hour trip back from Halong Bay to Hanoi I taught myself a little Vietnamese well I can count from 1 to 1 million not bad as I cracked it in 1 hour, whether the vietnamese can actually understand me is another thing!!!!!!!!
Seriously thinking about moving out to Thailand to live for a while to, such an amazing diverse country. The thai people treat you like a celebrity being western. So Im think of doing my TEFL qualification which means I can then teach English over here. Would give me a good chance to learn the Thai language and then move to Vietnam and do the same, I meet so many people that speak so many languages and it makes you feel quite ignorant only speaking one. The weather here is also amazing, would mean no more freezing mornings, going to work in the dark, finishing work in the dark, monthly targets, pressure etc. Just such a slower pace of life here.
Im heading home on the 29th Nov and will see from there, just the friends and family thing I need to come to terms with which will be hard, but you only live once too!!!
Here is a couple of photos from Hanoi I took yesterday whilst out exploring/getting lost, you may have noticed the black and white influence still running from Hoi An, I think they look better though, your coments would be apreciated.
Oh actually before I get to the photos I want to set anyone that wants to and has the time a 2 challenges cause internet here is slow!!!!!
1st: can anyone find me the cheapest flight from Beijing to Bangkok for around 5 Nov.
2nd: how far in miles have I travelled so far :
Birmingham – London – Abu Dabhi – Bangkok – Chiang Mai – Bangkok – Ko Phangan – Ko Samui – Bangkok – Poipet – Siem Reap – Phnom Pehn – Ho Chi Minh City ( saigon) – Nha Trang – Hoi An – Hue – Hanoi – Halong Bay – Hanoi – Beijing – Bangkok ( then more to follow )
Also after a very good point brought up buy Hailey in my comments i will put together a sumary of were i booked tickets how much I paid for them places Ive stayed etc… may ciome in handy to anyone thats wants to do this or just interesting for me to look back on.
Me pics:
Tags: Beijing, China, Hanoi, Lost, pictures, Travel, Vietnam
October 26th, 2005 at 3:17 am
Hi mate. Sounds like you’ve caught the travel bug good n proper, thinking of staying out there for good, becoming an English teacher no less – who’d have thought it! Go for it I say if it makes you happy. Re the b&w pics – I actually e-mailed the link to your site a couple of days ago to my Uncle who is a bit of a pro when he comes to photography, and he says your site/pics are v.good and especially liked the b&w ones, so there u go. I’ll leave the 2 x challenges to your cuz Glen, I wouldn’t have a clue i’m afraid.
October 29th, 2005 at 9:18 am
Hello just checked your latest pics not bad, and I have seen your challenges set and the comments left by Ray.
Challenge 2 Distance travelled this is what you have achieved so far:
Birmingham – London 113 miles
London – Abu Dahbi 3410 miles
Abu Dhabi – Bangkok 3080 miles
Bangkok – Chang Mai 366 miles
Chang Mai – Bangkok 366 miles
Bangkok – Koh Phangan 280 miles
Koh Phangan – Koh Samui 20 miles
Koh Samui – Bangkok 300
Bangkok – Poipet 220 miles
Poipet – Siem Reap 47 miles
Siem Reap – Phnom Pehn 147 miles
Phnom Pehn – Ho Chi Minh City 133 miles
Ho Chi Minh City – Nha Trang 207 miles
Nha Trang – Hoi An 252 miles
Hoi An – Hue 66 miles
Hue – Hanoi 336 miles
Hanoi – Halong Bay 95 miles
Halong – Hanoi 95 miles
Hanoi – Beijing 1410 miles
Beijing – Bangkok 2060 miles
Giving you a grand rough total of 13003 miles so far
As for your first challenge I’m going to have to pass on that one too many websites, best to try and sort that one out yourself.
C U Soon
October 30th, 2005 at 4:15 am
Thanks Glen, thats not bad for two months traveling!!!!
Still trying to sort pics out here and its proving hard on the compatability side of things, but will get there soon.
Speak soon all