BootsnAll Travel Network

Day 9, 9,9,05

Well guys im just chilling today and making plans to return to Bangkok so hopefully by the end of 2day will have it all sorted. From Bangkok Im planning on visiting Ayuthaya which once was Thailands capital and also visit Kanchanaburi which is home of thr River Kwai ans of course the Kwai River Bridge ( Death Railway Bridge) which was made famous by the second world war film Bridge on the river Kwai, ( if you didnt already guess ). Lots of trips from there too so lets see when I get there.

Thanks for your input on pics folks will carry on then but will at least reduce them a little. Not Every pic I take is here but a few more than the blog so if you want check out this link

Had a late one last night with Graham and Gillian from Ireland sinking a few beers, chiling in a Rasta/Reggae bar then off to a few other bars to play pool. I even lost a game to a Thai girl that wanted a game so I blame the beer. Pool here on the whole is free, most bars have tables and as long as your having a drink you use it,, shame its not the same at home.

Couple of emails to send out now then off to watch the cricket and have lunch


4 Responses to “Day 9, 9,9,05”

  1. JJ Says:

    Hi mate,

    just wondered if it would be OK for us to use some of your piccies on our website – there are some really nice ones which we would love to use?!?!?!?

  2. Ray Says:

    Free pool! What a great idea. It’ll never catch on here though, more’s the pity. Have sent you an e-mail with jpeg attachments. Thought it would cheer you up, not that you need it. It creased me! Let me know if it takes too long to open though and I won’t send anymore. Not sure if these internet cafes you’re logging on to have broadband or not. Assume they have, or something similar. Hope rain continues in The Ashes. Australia were batting very well.

  3. Brett Says:


    Feel free to use pics if you want to mate not a problem, just let me know were they end up so I can have a nose and see how they are used. Is the gouse still standing??? haha


    See day 10, free pool but with lady boys and some friends…… it was strange to say the least…

    Hi to everyone else looking on here…..


  4. Posted from Thailand Thailand
  5. Brett Says:

    P.S Justin, these pics have been reduced now, if you want full res versions let me know which ones….

  6. Posted from Thailand Thailand

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