Day 2, 2/9/05, Bangkok
Couldnt access emails for some reason today….
Headed to Hua Lamphong train station this morning to book ticket for 2moro to Chiang Mai with Amee and Julienne. 511 Baht for a 686 mile 12 hour trip, around 7 pounds.
Headed of to BTS sky train station and Metro and headed down to Central Pier south on the Chao Pharaya River, bought a 1 day travel pass for 100 baht, headed north up river past loads of Wats ( Temples ).
The river its self looks like something out off Charlie and the Chocolate factory…. To see locals that live in wooden shacks on the side of the river, who bathe, wash food and use the river as a toilet makes you realise how lucky you are. The boat turned around after bout an hour at pier 13 and we got off at pier 9, near the Grand Palace and Wat po the reclining Buddha.
Visited some street markets and bought diced fresh pineapple which was kept in ice and went down well in such hot conditions…
Then hired our first tuk tuk driver, a lady in her 30’s. We hired her for 2 hours cost of 30 baht which is 7 pence each for the 3 of us…
Visited the Golden Mount – Wat Strakes Rajavaramahavihara. Lots of monks here,
some with cameras taking photos of us tourists which I guess makes a change from the other way around.
Finally got the number 47 bus back to the sky train which was an experiance and back to the hostel were I chilled for an hour. Met Jason ( Oz ) who had just arrived and took him for a beer and to meet everyone else.
Decided to head in to Patpong that night to the night market and bars with Julienne, Mat ( Washington Dc ) Ian, Jason, Cheryl and Lou ( Gurnsey ) the 7 of us ended up in a live music bar, the band played covers of all the modern stuff and were very good, ast round 1 ltr bottle of vodka betwen 7, local redbull which has amphetamine in and that lasted us bout 3 minutes, loads of dancing and was probablt the hottest sweatiest club ive ever been in but was great.
Then on to this club, this is the only pic I can post on here…. but didnt stay long so 3 of us headed home bout 3am cause I had to be up at 6.30am.
Tags: Bangkok, party, Thailand, Travel