It’s called Apophis. It’s 390m wide. And it could hit Earth in 31 years time
Thanks for the news Ezzie! Read it here and make your plans NOW!!!,,1660485,00.html
Still don’t know what’s going on with the posts I’ve been emailing to my blog, so I’m having to do this one the old fashioned way. Last night I had ANOTHER great serving of 2 eggs over hard with pureed black beans! Just like I called. And the two German girls staying til these weekend commented that the food they got from their homestay in Antigua was soo much better. Last night one of the girls found a dead fly *in* her corn tortilla. I’m glad she took that one cause I probably wouldn’t have noticed and would have eaten it. I know that’s not my mom’s fault, but still it was funny to hear the Germans and their teachers comment about the food that they were served. Today for lunch we each had a bowl of instant cup o noodles. And corn tortillas. Of course! I’m going to attempt to attach one pic of the girls. One is Suzanne, the other I forgot her name but they were hanging out in the tienda last night when I walked by and they got me a Gallo beer. And you all know how much I can’t pass up any type of food for FREE, but the cerveza sure did make me want to pee all night!
Finally, for those that can read/speak Spanish, here is my first unedited story that I did as part of my homework for Thursday….
Paul y Sergio llegan en Guatemala despues vente seis horas a dos vacas. Ellos son de Noruega y viven alla por ochenta y tres anos. Ellos estan consados y sus ropas estan sucio, asi Paul y Sergio buscan para el rio. Ellos suben las montañas y caminan para el aduar. Paul pregunta una personna para ayudar, pero una personna esta bandido! El bandido roba Paul y toma su vaca. Paul estan mucho triste. Sergio corre rapido para el bandido y el cambia sus calcetines. ¿Quien cambia sus calcetines? El oso cambia sus calcetines! El nombre del oso es “Justpetas.” Justpetas baila con sus amigos Julio el Sapo, Carlos la Roca, y Angelita la Mona. Estos animales son locos y sus nombre es “El Solo Pamdilla.” La pamdilla halla el bandido y ellos comen el bandido y la vaca. Ahora, los calcetines de Sergio tienen muchos los ojales. Paul y Sergio regresan para Noruega y ellose dormiden. Fin!
Have a nice weekend all!
Tags: Travel
That was a great story in Spanish but I can’t believe you said that about my Mom!
Hola Edwin! Muy Bein! Sounds like your Espanol is getting pretty good- better than mine! Keep going! But watch out for those girls with cerveza. Talk to you later. 🙂