BootsnAll Travel Network

Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur turned out to be a refreshng change of pace for us weary travellers. After 10 days of treking around the Cameron Highlands and Taman Negara, and the pace at which we had travelled over the past few months and we were tired. Tired of sight seeing, changing hostels, serching for good accomodation, getting on and of buses and trains, were we templed, museum(ed) and now jungelled out.

So having time to spare before we were due in Singapore we made KL our base, for what turned out to be 6 days and the longest we have stayed in one place since we started our trip. We stayed in China town a vibrant collection of hawker stalls, unfortunatally they all sell the same thing. Pirate DVDs, genuine fake Rolex’s, and not so cheap designer copied trainers, with the odd very strange design or colour. Still a good place to stay as the hostel was clean and cheap and there are many chinese resturants open all hours, as well as it being a short walk to all the land marks. By the end of the week we knew KL like the back of our hand, we would have stayed longer we just ran out of things to do.

On our first full day we went to the Petronas Twin Towers, the worlds tallest bulidings. We arrived at the early time of 08:30 to find a queue already doublling back on its self, the towers don’t open untill 09:00. We went up half way to the worlds 2nd highest skybridge on the 41-42 fllors. It links the two towers, unfortunataly yuou can not travel to the top of the towers at the 88th floor. Still for a free view of the city along with the exibition centre it was well worth a visit. The Towers are situated in the KLCC an asortment of shopping malls, cinemas, art gallerys amongest others. We for a nice change (nice change was the buzz word for KL) became mall rats for a day and went around shopping for a few clothes, some how I (Miller) ended up buying some clothes, and Amanda the girl didn’t buy a thing!! Later that day as the sun went down we went up the KL tower, to get a 360 degree veiew of the city at night. As you can only travel half way up the skybridge at the twin towers, you are acctualy higher at the top of the KL tower than you were in the wolrds tallest building. The view from 421 meters high, plus the hill at the bottom that isn’t counted in the hight was excellent.

We also talk a walk around the the Lake gardens and visited the bird park. The park is the largest free-flight avery in the world, (so it says on the sign) with 3,000 birds. I’m unsure if we saw 3,000 birds, many of them are in cages so don’t fly around that much. Still had a good time feeding the ostrages was funny as you hand feed them green leaves, with the emues watching. The emues will take the leaves from you but not eat them, which we found strange the ostriaes love them and reach straight through the cage trying to eat the leaves and your fingers. We also saw a nice show a talent form the parrots as they cycled bycles around and counted up to 10, still higher than some of my mates can count.

In our nice change mood we went to the city ballet, feeling all cultured we popped along and watched an interesting dance routine based on urban living. not a tutu or piroet was in sight but a thoroughly enjoyable experiance was had by all, including becky a friend form the hostel who we roped into joining us.

In the hostel we met some interesting people among them, Wendy and Trevor. Wendy who we have scared off visiting India with are stories for that place, and Trevor the happy snapping brit with his new camera joined us on a visit to the Aquarium. It was an experience and watching a guy in full dive gear and in a santa costume feeding sharks is a sight I will never forget, nor will I forget the size of some of the turtles there just HUGE. Later we went to the IMAX theatre (Asias largest cinema screen) and watched King Kong. A surprise was that myself and Amanda enjoyed the film, we had chosen Narnia over the Gorilla a few days earlier. At Time Square the home of the IMAX is another attraction you don’t see every day an indoor theme park, with a rollercoaster flying around 3 floors of the mall. Needless to say we headed there, jumped on all the rides in quick succession and felt like crap after.

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