Arrived in Penang George town from Thailand. It was another long drive and a ferry at the end, Penang ia an island in the north west of the country.
Penang is a nice city, has an air of Britishness to it which makes you feel nice inside, even down to the British style Indian Resturant at the end of the main street. Why anyone would want to eat in a British Indian resturant in Malyasia I have no idea, Little India is a 10 minute walk away. It has a strange mix of cultures in Geroge town and the rest of Malaysia; Indians, Chinese, Malay, and Aborigines all live together, with a few westerners mixed in. To walk down a stret which runs stright through China town and into little India, with out so much as a bend in the road is something diferrent. We ate at an Indian the irst night, little India reminded us of India bar the fact it was MUCH cleaner. To walk down a street and me reminded of India and then Hong Kong on the same street made us smile, a great mix of cultures in such a small space.
Penang was alright unfortuantly it rain a lot while we were there, and we hit it after a period of much travelling. So we probabily didn’t get the best out of the area, we did go and see Hary Potter at the cinema instead of going up Penang Hil. Just couldn’t go and watch another sun set view from a big hill. Been there done that, in 5 other countries. Harry potter was good.
A word of warning for people traveling to Penang, don’t stay in the Swiss Hotel, Mozies. got biten to hell, there were more of them in our room than there where outside at night!! being a Chinese hotel the walls don’t reach the cealing, so the insects all get in no problems. it is the only place we could find with twin beds at the time. The Secret Garden in the Lonley Planet isn’t there anymore, it is know star dust, which is a nice resturant and bar showing films at night. The owner is a tre of knowledge on the local area.
left penang for the Cameron Highlands.
Tags: Malaysia, Travel
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