BootsnAll Travel Network

2 Weeks Later

Having seen the sights of Sydney and tiring of city life,we headed north into the Blue Mountains. Katoomba was our base as we took in the sights of some beutiful senerary, the blue Mountains are called the Blue mountains due to the Blue haze, mist, that rolls in through the valley thanks to the eucalyptus trees, giving of some sort of radiation of something. There are some natural rock formations to see, and many walks to go on aound the national park,including many flights of stairs (don’t get amanda started on stairs!!)

Or Leeches A managed to get a leech bite on one of our walks Oh the BLOOD!!!!! Oh the she didn’t feel the bite only noticed because her white sock was RED when she took off her boots, we found 5 leeches that night running around our room must have come of the bottom off our boots. Was a nice natural park with many walks

Went back to Sydney to watch Madam Buterfly at Opera house Very Cool, a strange design of a building the sails make up difenert buildings its not one building but a couple joined together. totaly confussing when seeing it up close and walking aroundin it. Great views of the harbour from there. We have walked across Sydney harbour bridge unfortunatley we can’t afford the 100 quid plus it cost to climb over the bridge, but walked across the road way, just like the one in the toon just as bloodly windy too.

Travelled down to Melbourne for a change and to look for work, hopefully being in Victoria would help the cause more farms around there. stayed in a converted Nunnery for the first few nights very cool, now its a hostle with a starnge feel to it, close to god! Well the tacky Jesus wall clocks are cose to god the guest are happy to drink cheap wine and play shit head.

Whie in melbourne we went to the openning day of the Australian open, watched Venus Williams crash out in th first round as well as our very own no hoper Tim the pussy cat henman crash out to some russian bloke. in fairness to Tim the crowd were a bit pissed and an ironic pissed ausie kept shouting TIMMY as in South Park, along with some wierd comments about liking tim’s hair cut…. i thought some of the stuff shouted from terraces was strange. Victoria Market in Melbourne is well worth a visit, the night market on Tuesdays sells any kind of food you could think of. Unfortunatley we had already eaten but the Kangaroo, and croc burgers looked nice.

Curentley a few hours north of Melbourne in Echuca. WHERE I hear you Ask?? Echuca a little town of 10,717 people (so it says on the sign edge of town), curnetely in a hostel that helps you find fruit picking work. Done a day picking Tomatoes and we hated it, pay was SOOOOOOOOOOOO shit, and it was 53 c!!!! Illegal to work at those temp but hay the turk farmer didn’t care, and they want us to go back tomorrow!!! I / we think Know this is the low point of the trip, just need some good work to start so we can earn the cash to start travelling again, need to save some majour cash. Season is late at the minute so we are 2 weeks behind in finding a job than we hoped.

never mind still in Oz and its sunny 🙂

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