BootsnAll Travel Network

An itinerary? What’s that about?

So, we have an itinerary. I don’t know if you can really call it that, in fact, I’m not going to. As it stands right now, there are still too many places that we want to go and I don’t think it is physically possible to do it all and take into account any surprise delays, detours, what have you. Our itinerary is more like a new year’s resolution–it sounds good in theory, but we’re never gonna stick to it. But I think that’s a good thing. I’m very much a fan of fluid travel and spontaneity, so I hope we do end up in some god forsaken stretch of nowhere with a slight risk of something dangerous happening. Stuff like that always makes for great stories after the fact.

So far, the only thing set in stone is that we’ll be flying into London on June 9th, and flying back to Orlando on August 9th. Everything else is still up in the air. When we get to the UK we’re going to head up to Northampton for the weekend to visit friends from the university I spent a semester studying at. We’re going to be there just in time for the annual Pav Fest, which is one big outdoor 14-hour party, basically. (Noon till 2 am, only the Brits are that crazy!) I’ve heard a lot about it, so I’m really excited to see it for myself! Kelly brought the shirts she had printed for Pav Fest when she came over yesterday and they look pretty good (apart from a spelling error, but I was an English major and these things bother me). We had t-shirts done up with a checklist (a la New Orleans for Spring Break) with all sorts of stuff on it to check off by the end of the night. If we have even half as much fun checking everything off as we did in New Orleans, it will be an absolute blast. We had some printed up for all my old flatmates from UCN so there will be loads of us sporting the bright pink “Pav Fest ’05” shirts. It’s gonna be crazy!!!

From Northampton we’ll be heading back down to London to catch a flight to Spain with my friend Kerry, and our traveling party will be complete and ready to officially kick off the backpacking portion of the trip. I think right now the plan is to fly into Madrid and then, after that, who knows! It’ll be fantabulous though, don’t you worry. Working itinerary is as so:

Madrid –> Valencia –> Barcelona –> Brussels –> Amsterdam –> Berlin –> Prague –> Munich –> Budapest –> Bratislava –> Bucharest –> Bulgaria (somewhere) –> Istanbul –> Greece –> Italy –> London

Obviously things will get the chop and other things will be added (REALLY want to see more of Turkey than just Istanbul, but may have to make a separate trip some other time). For me, I want to see something other than just pretty cathedrals and statues. I’m also hoping that if we spend more time in one place, it will be in Eastern Europe so I can make the most of my puny American dollar (thanks for that one Dubya). Technically, Turkey is in the Middle East, so I am stoked about seeing that culture and the bazaars and the rugs and all the colors. It’s going to be great! I think I need to brush up on my geography a bit, though, as I didn’t even realize that it borders Iraq until last night. Pretend you didn’t just read that, Mom.

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