BootsnAll Travel Network

Saturday April 29 RUGBY!!!

I love Saturdays!  We slept in, and went to a favorite cafe, where I had the salmon eggs benidict. 

Rashmi took us to a Hindu Temple, which was very beautiful.  Inside the temple are different statues representing some of the Hindu Gods.  Outside of the temple, but in the building was the busy preparations for an Indian wedding.  Flowers and all kinds of symbols adorned the center area of the building – I wish I could be a fly on the wall for the actual ceremony (it would be cool to see all the traditions and festivities).

We changed gears big time and piled onto a crowded bus that was heading into town for the Rugby game.  The Wellington Hurricains versus the Chiefs.  A very nice High Schooler chatted with us and tried to answer our questions about the game.  We were a little nervous about finding out where the stadium was, but it really was as simple as following the huge mass of people. 

Here are some shots of the stadium going into the game and comming out:

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Carrie and Rashmi scored some great seats – we were 1st row right on the mid line.  You could hear the pop as these beohmiths collided with each other.  Gotta love the brutality of rugby! 

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I quickly bought the “4 beer max per person” carrier and proceded to chow on a stale hamburger and tastey chips. Carrie wasnt far behind and we were soon ooohing and aaahing with the crowd with gusto.  I ended up badgering the poor guy behind me and asking what was going on.  Admittatily, I have no further understanding of how Rugby is played then before the game – but I had a hell of a time!!

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One thing that was radically different than the usual American football or baseball game is the complete lack of announcer commentary in the stadium.  The stadium gets hushed waiting for a play to happen and erupts in noise when something does happen (if you blink you could miss a big play).  Those moments of quite intent in a stadium full of people is different that what I am accustomed to.  It was cool.

THe Hurricains handed the Chief’s asses to them – the game was a blow out.  On the bus ride back I was sitting with a group of Chief’s fans (face paint and Tui sombraro’s to boot).  Their mood was festive and everyone was pretty loose and having a good time.  The Hurricaine and Chief’s fans were giving one another a hard time (I was asked who I was for and had to commit to the Hurricaines – incurring a large amount of razzing from the last 2 rows Chiefs fans on the bus). 

On a side note: I got called a “stupid American” by one of the drunk Chiefs fans (much to the embarassment of some of her friends and the small group of folks sitting around us).  It was the first time since being here that I had been generalized as just another narrow minded stupid American (this happened when I traveled Eruope in 1998).  I was more suprized at the other people’s response in the bus – they were genuinly embarassed.  I know that American’s reputations abroad have deterioated in the last 6 years, and I expected to recieve more anti-american prejeduce than just the one comment in over 6 weeks.

I certianly hope that I have been the kind of traveler that is open minded and welcoming of new experiences that a different culture/nation has to offer.  I think I am that kind of traveler – If not I’d like to know. I’m just thinking the most simple solution is the most likely – she was probably just pissed that the Chiefs lost so bad!!




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