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It’s Finally Here!

Thursday, March 23rd, 2006

Likely the last post from Colorado!  It has been a lot of work getting everything ready to go for the trip – we got it all done though!  Two anal workaholics can get a lot done if they put their minds to it.  Ironically, I gave Erin a hard time about wanting to bring too many bags – and I ended up bringing 2 big bags for check in (she is only checking 1)! (yeah, I’ll eat crow – better when warm)(This is ERin – I was right.  I made Abe repeat this several times last night regarding the bags!)
We will be getting in our pace run and a light workout before getting on the plane (all Erin’s idea I assure you). (This is Erin – Aren’t I a slavedriver?)

Other than that, we just need to fly (something Erin is terrified of) and make it to NZ safely.

We will post again when we arrive!

General Timetable

Tuesday, March 21st, 2006

Abe Posting (quick warning – I have found no easy way to spell check these posts – firefox screws up the font and wipes data, and I can’t paste in from word – so you guys are stuck with a 3rd grade level spelling ability/ and maybe a 5th grade grammar level)

Erin and I are Leaving this Thursday and arrive in Auckland on Saturday morning. We are hoping that the hotel will let us check in early (the plane lands at 4:10am). After 4 days in Auckland we leave for Wellington on Thursday the 30th. Carrie, Rashmi, and I start our rotations on Monday the 3rd. It will be cool to have the spouses there to play while we work as pharmacy slaves – wait…how is that different than here at home? They deserve it after dealing with us crankey grouches for the last 4 years! (The spouses leave on April 13th, we leave on May 14th)
Our time in Auckland will be spent in the city – we are going swanky for the first 2 nights at the Crowne Plaza and then to more modest accomodiations at the Aspen House. Thankfully, Alex and Luke have made some great suggestions of stuff to do – this is much appreciated. Alex mentioned that the Waitomo Caves were a fun trip (to see the glow worms) and also recommended the Luge and hot springs at Rotaura – I’m going to have to brush up on my geography because I reeally want to do these things. We are lkooking forward to Luke’s input – Jesse tells me you lived there for 6 months…LUCKY!

After Auckland we will be living in Wellington in a house (490 Evans Bay Parade, Evans Bay). We hope it’s a nice safe area, Erin did a great job finding the place and working out the specifics – Thanks Erin!

The plan while in Wellington is to use the house as a home base and make trips out to the surrounding areas (I doubt you can get more central than Wellington). We hope to get some good day hikes/adventeures in! I’d also like to learn how to surf (yeah, Chip, I still harbor that dream – maybe one day I’ll overcome my clutzyness). FYI: Cip tried to teach me to surf years ago – he is one patient teacher. I was so bad – but he never gave up trying to teach me and I tried as hard as I could!

So that is the extent of our plans – we have a way of getting over there – a place to stay – and some edgemacation to get while we are out there. It should be a blast!

…Quick question for the New Zealand veterans: Do you know anyone good who does tribal body art there? I know it’s insulting to actually get tatooed, but I was hoping to get some individualized artwork painted on my calf. Christrian recommended this so I could photo it and have it modified for an actual tattoo at home. Any thoughts?

Trip prep

Sunday, March 19th, 2006
Abe posting: By the way, Erin tricked my sister and me into running those 9 miles - I nearly puked when I finished! Mere days away form traveling to New Zealand and we are still checking things off of our lists ... [Continue reading this entry]

At work on a Sunday@!#$

Sunday, March 19th, 2006
This is Erin typing and relaying that I know that we are leaving soon because I am working on a Sunday!!!! There is so much to do before a vacation but it will be all worth it. For ... [Continue reading this entry]

Always save your work

Saturday, March 18th, 2006
I had a wonderful post that I worked on for about an hour - but lost all of it!