Saturday April 22 – Erin’s NZ Birthday!!!
It was Erin’s NZ Birthday today – I slept in and chatted with her for a little while.
We went to the Ocean fRestuaraunt for a wonderful lunch – Don wasn’t there but the food was great as usual. We made a trip to Kilburnie for necessary wine/beer/food. I turned in early – I guess the Twins stayed up and partied hard!
Tags: Wellington
April 25th, 2006 at 12:49 pm
Hi Abe, Enjoying reading about NZ and your adventures. Erin came over on Sunday and cleaned the carpet!! Well the part that Jones soiled. We went to the pumphouse for dinner, and that was great. I also got the tea kettle from Erin and Donna for my B-day, it will look great in the new kitchen. Dad has been pulling up tile, the dust is awful but eh kitchen will be beautiful for your graduation. Love, mom