BootsnAll Travel Network

Friday May 5th off to Rotorua

Off to Rotorua… Check out the sweet ride (I’m posing oh so nicely next to the car)

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On the way north we passed this cookie plane:

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Rashmi drove most of the way because I’m a crappy driver and I get scared easily:

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It was striking to see the vocanoes (as usual the pics don’t do it justice).

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We made the trip in 6 hours flat!  Even in the rain and at night – Rashmi was a champ! 

After checking into Treks we went to The Pig and Whisel.  I had a scrumptious lamb burger and one of their microbrews – not bad. 

We watched the Huricaines beat the Reds and headed to the backpacker to rest before seeing all we could in Rotorua in one day.



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