Easter Sunday, April 16th, down time and planning
I’m not sure that this will be necessary to blog every day now that we will be starting work and really not doing anything especially exciting. I’ll try to keep the diligence that Erin had and blog each day no matter how little we do.
Today has been pretty mellow. We went to the cafe in Kilburnie, and of course, ate really good food. I had the eggs benidict with smoked salamon and the Twins had ginormis BLT sandwitches. Yum!
I’ve been blogging for awhile and doing laundry. Carrie and Rashmi have gone downtown for Sunday Mass, I didn’t want to go cause I probably would have been struck by lightening or something when I walked in the building. The church looks beautiful – I bet they are really enjoying the service.
During lunch we decided what to do for the rest of the trip. I think we will make our way to the South Island for a day (likely Picton), rent scooters and check out the area (scope it out for future visits). We may to a bungy while we are down there – we will see.
Going north looks like a go as well – we will problably hire a car and stay in a backpackers for a weekend. We should be able to check out some good wineries and see some LOTR attractions.
It looks like tomorrow we will make our way to the Red Coastal Walk and check out the Seals.
I’m kind of bummed about having to go to Hutt on tuesday. I hope to make some time for surfing and diving before I leave – we will see.
Tags: Wellington