BootsnAll Travel Network

Friday April 21 – Stinking Thieves!!!

Work was going fine until I checked my email  – Erin discovered that someone got a hold of our visa #!!  They charged $800 to a Wallmart in New Jersey.  We don’t know exactaly how they got the info but there was a recent scam with ATM skimmers on B of NZ atms where they collect your card informaiton and pin via high tech wireless technology – so beware, if the ATM macheine dosen’t look right don’t stick your card in it!

What I think is the most likely explination is that an employee at one of the restauraunts we went to copied all of the info from the card and sold it to someone on the internet.  It sucks cause it was pretty stressful and difficult to work through for both Erin and me!

I ended up going to JJ Maones and drowned my sorrows in a Murphy’s Stout and a Chicken Schnitzel burger with chips….TGIF right?


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