January 14th – Glacierland
The tent can definitely withstand a rainfall – it pelted it down last night and we dry, safe and warm – worried that the roof might collapse at any moment – maybe a little bit.
It is not raining this morning so a quick getaway to the glaciers it is. I don’t quite know what I expected, a bit of ice, lots of tourists maybe? The actual view is incredible. A wall of ice, blue and grey formed between 2 mountains like a frozen descending river. It just seems to halt at the bottom. The pictures don’t really do it justice but the first glacier, Franz Josef was something pretty special. The kids were not as impressed as I but we did walk up the river a bot towards the terminal face. The walk afterwards was shut due to flooding so we didn’t actually get to touch the ancient ice but had great views of waterfalls and Josh also tried out his dam building skills on the way. I kept thinking Lord Of The Rings scenery along the way.
A short car journey to the Fox glacier and another amazing sight. It had started to rain so we just had some photo opps and then back in the car for long journey to Wanaka. We passed over the Haast pass which is meant to be beautiful but with the mist and the rain we didn’t see too much of it.
Wanaka Top 10 park was fukk to the brim and no cabins were available so it was time to put up the tent in the rain. The kids had to lift up the cover while I put everything up underneath – fun for the first 10 seconds but we got the tent up in record time and decided a trip out for something to eat was in order. Wanaka is a pretty town based on a lake with a mountain back drop. The town itself is small and very tourist orientated but we found a nice pizzeria and enjoyed having someone to wait on us for a change. By the time we had finished the sun had come out and the ducks at the lake looked like they needed feeding so off with the bread it was. Everyone came out as soon as the sun did and within 5 mins we were surrounded by kids, ducks, grandparents and seagulls. Kids were already swimming out to the platform on the lake and boats appeared out of nowhere, it was like there had been no rain at all
Tags: New Zealand, Travel
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