BootsnAll Travel Network


So we bought our first leg’s tickets yesterday. Round trip Edmonton to London. And, wow, were they ever expensive. I’m glad I budgetted more than I expected to spend for the transatlantic leg, because we almost spent it.

So we depart Tuesday, April 4 at 11:20 AM, have a quick stopover in Toronto, and then on to London, where we arrive at 6:35 AM, April 5. The return is booked for November 7, but it’s easily changeable (flat fee of $50), so we’ll see what the trip brings.

Kathy is looking over a couple of insurance options…worldnomads, or the travelcuts insurance. And then we’ll buy that. We should also arrange our flights to Cairo soon.

So much to do, so little time.

– Neil

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2 responses to “Ticketses”

  1. Geoff! says:

    Hey Stalkers,
    You following me? 🙂 I hear i have a matching backpack too (its black, Neil). It really was the only choice. Cya.

  2. Neil says:

    Kathy figured it would be black.

    Actually, not quite identical, Kathy & I have the Walkabout…the slightly larger model. Kathy’s is black, mine blue. But we should all have identical daypacks, aside from the colour.

    And, in fairness, you may have booked the flight first, but we had the bags first.

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