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Archive for the 'Planning' Category

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No More House!

Wednesday, March 29th, 2006

Well, condo. It’s all packed up, and we passed the keys on yesterday. I am now officially living out of a pack. 6 days to go!

I took my cats to my parents, who will babysit for the next few months (thanks mom and dad!!). They seem to be doing better this time – I’ve taken them for visits a couple of times before to try and reduce the shock. Other than some growling and hissing, there has been a lot of exploration, and hopefully with the number of stairs in the house, they might actually lose some weight!

The rest of the week will be spent doing last minute things (updating addresses and insurance, making sure bank accounts are all set up and accessible, etc), and resting up and reading up on our destinations.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m excited!


Preparations Well Underway

Saturday, March 18th, 2006

Syrian Visa
Syrian Visa

Well, most of the preparations necessary for this trip are well underway. We’ve jumped through bureaucratic hoops and optained our Syrian visa…the only visa we can’t obtain on the road.

On other fronts, I’ve picked up some foreign cash, though my Egyptian pounds had to be ordered in, and haven’t arrived yet. And we’ve started packing up Kathy’s house. Hardly my favourite task, but one that needs to be done, and a hundred times better than painting.

And I’ve given notice at work…4 more days and I’m free and clear. It’s getting close now.


More Ticketses

Sunday, March 5th, 2006

Today we actually booked the flights to Cairo. It was a bit of a decision to make, as the original plan taking us through Copenhagen is no longer an option (go figure). So we had to decide on direct from ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, March 4th, 2006
So we bought our first leg's tickets yesterday. Round trip Edmonton to London. And, wow, were they ever expensive. I'm glad I budgetted more than I expected to spend for the transatlantic leg, because we almost spent ... [Continue reading this entry]

Lights, cameras, action!

Monday, February 27th, 2006
We have an offer, a deposit, and condition removal date is Friday. If all goes well, possession is March 31, and we should be on a plane!! Thank you to everyone for all the support and encouragement, and I'm sure ... [Continue reading this entry]

It’s going to happen, I swear!

Sunday, February 19th, 2006

I just haven't sold the condo yet. This place is really targetted for a specific market, and I just haven't tapped it yet.

We're practically ready to go, otherwise. We have all the shots, most of the gear, most ... [Continue reading this entry]


Thursday, February 9th, 2006

I guess this blog is looking suspiciously dead. It is not. It is simply waiting for departure. I have all my funds together, but Kathy's plan is to sell her condo, so we have it listed, but not yet sold. ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Plan

Tuesday, August 30th, 2005

For a while, I've been hoping to take an adventure travelling through an interesting part of the world, and as I've researched various destinations, I've become more and more interested in the Middle East as a destination. When I ... [Continue reading this entry]