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* Rio........and beyond * the home run * THE PARTY * Brazil photo frenzy * Rio Paraguay. * Pictures of Argentina * bUENOS aRIES * Bolivian picture story * qUicK uPdATe... * Spiritual Cleansing * Peru photostory.... * THE BIG DAY! * THE BIG DAY! * Wedding Date * Peru, Peru...... * Link to more pictures of our trip..... * Cusco * HALF WAY !! * A Few days at the health farm.....
November 20, 2005Rio........and beyond
We arrived in Rio after 48 hours on a bus down from Pipa...the bus journey wasnīt without incident....saw a particularly grizzley scene through the bus window on the first night that involved the aftermath of a motorcycle collision...people here not only dont wear helmets they dont wear tops or shoes either so it was the first real dead bodies i have seen, i dont need to describe it but it was lit by the headlights from a truck that had stopped and the driver was looking bewildered in the road, our bus didnt day after a fitful sleep it turned out there was a guy onboard who was under psychiatric care but without a carer...he was getting more and more irritated and eventually ended up shouting at a little old lady at the front of the bus and started to kick her seat and go for her...nobody as usual did anything so as i was the nearest i got up and shouted at the guy with my blanket in hand and got the driver to stop and sort it out properly...he got off at the next stop and mucho obrigados were sent my way....anyway we reached Rio with no further disaster.....heres what we did in pictures.......
We had one storm but itīs been so hot we are hoping for another. The rest of the time the sea is the coolest place... Comments
John John John, your hair is long! Posted by: mike on November 29, 2005 01:58 PMPost a comment
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