title>On the Road: September 2005 Archives - BootsnAll Travelogues
On the Road |
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Recent Entries
* Sleepless in Sao Paulo
* Ciudad del Este * Foz do Iguazu * Rio de Janeiro * So Long, Farewell... * Santa Barbara * Toupee Town * Comments * Hell-A * The Great Escape * Trapped * Penniless * Easy Rider * Deja Vu * Mamanuca Islands * The Yasawas
September 29, 2005Sleepless in Sao PauloIīve been having problems sleeping for three weeks or so now. I donīt know whether itīs jet lag, or the result of interrupted sleep on aeroplanes and in airports, or what, but it makes me cranky and tired. I went...Read this update September 28, 2005Ciudad del EsteIīd been running into two Colombian guys for a couple of days, and saw them again on the bus that crossed into Ciudad del Este, Paraguay. We were all going there for the day to see the Itaipu dam, a...Read this update September 27, 2005Foz do IguazuWaterfalls. Nice and all, but not usually anything to write home about in my experience, apart from Niagara. Well, Iguazu Falls pretty much blew Niagara out of the water, so to speak. There are 275 separate `cataratasī and the effect...Read this update September 24, 2005Rio de JaneiroBrazil is great! Everyone is really relaxed here, no one hassles you, people are always helpful and friendly. Unless they're robbing you blind of course, and I've heard some pretty hair-raising tales, but thankfully none to tell first-hand at the...Read this update September 19, 2005So Long, Farewell...Sad to leave California. It's nice to be somewhere familiar. It's not exactly "Cheers," where everyone knows your name, but I feel like I know my way around to an extent and understand where people are coming from. I find...Read this update September 18, 2005Santa BarbaraI spent a year at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and I decided to go up there for a day to see it again. Public transport took, as usual, forever to get to the Greyhound Bus Terminal, and I...Read this update September 17, 2005Toupee TownNot having a car is inconceivable to most people in Los Angeles. The city is so vast, the public transport system so underdeveloped, and the infrastructure so set up for automobiles, that it's a constant uphill battle to get anywhere...Read this update September 15, 2005Hell-AI forgot how many crazy people there are in LA. They're everywhere, right from when you emerge blinking and crumpled from an overnight flight at the airport, and are especially plentiful around Venice Beach, where I am staying, and public...Read this update September 14, 2005The Great EscapeWe finally left Mo'orea after two nights. We tried hitching to the port, but eventually got a bus which stopped at a working ATM on the other side of the island. The catamaran took us back to Pape'ete, where we...Read this update September 13, 2005TrappedWe spent three days trapped at a campground on Mo'orea as the only ATM around was "hors service" and everything was insanely expensive. You practically need a stock portfolio just to buy an ice cream in Tahiti. An hour on...Read this update September 12, 2005PennilessSo it turns out that not only is Tahiti one of the most expensive places on earth, but they're also pretty picky about which bank cards they choose to accept. Unfortunately, none of my three debit cards (Australian, UK and...Read this update September 10, 2005Easy RiderSusie and I hired motorbikes for a day so that we could tool around the island and not have to rely on the vagaries of the buses. I passed my test the second time around (salvaging what was left of...Read this update September 05, 2005Deja VuAfter seeing the doctor in Nadi who told me that I was okay to fly but definitely not to dive, I decided to cut short my Fiji trip and head onto the Cook Islands. I caught a bus to the...Read this update September 02, 2005Mamanuca IslandsNaomi, Eve and I left Niviti reluctantly and boarded the boat to the sounds of a farewell song to our respective destinations. I got off at Bounty Island and was met by a small boat to take me ashore. I...Read this update September 01, 2005The YasawasThe flight to Nadi was delayed for a couple of hours due to the vague excuse of "engineering problems," so Eve, Naomi, Marine and I grabbed the $8 food vouchers they gave out to console us and, in true pikey...Read this update |
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