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September 29, 2005

Sleepless in Sao Paulo

Iīve been having problems sleeping for three weeks or so now. I donīt know whether itīs jet lag, or the result of interrupted sleep on aeroplanes and in airports, or what, but it makes me cranky and tired. I went into a pharmacy called `Fartoī and bought a small packet of sleeping pills, but they are `naturalī (I didnīt want to get the hardcore ones for the same reason I donīt use ear plugs when travelling alone, in case thereīs some kind of emergency like a fire, and I donīt wake up) and didnīt work. Maybe a niiiiiice looooong distance bus journey will help...

I was out like a light on the flight from Foz to Sao Paulo. We stopped off in Curitiba on the way and some people left and others got on, much like a bus. It was the same coming from LA to Rio - we stopped in Sao Paulo and they came on to clean the plane while a bunch of us were sitting in it, hoovering around our feet.

I got into Sao Paulo later than I expected after just missing a bus and it turned out that the hotel described by the infuriatingly useless Lonely Planet as being on a quiet, safe street, was actually in a really dodgy area full of homeless people, sex shops, and dodgy characters lurking in doorways. I normally walk with confidence and try to blend in as much as I can, but when you are carrying a backpack and other bags, you might as well have a neon sign on your head saying īI am a tourist. I have just arrived and donīt know where Iīm going. I have all my belongings with me.ī I might as well have stuck a bullseye target on my back. I reached the hotel with relief, only to find it was full, and so were some others I approached in the area. I finally found one that was more expensive than I would have liked, but I was pretty desperate to get off the streets by that point.

Sao Paulo is a ginormous, dirty, crowded city full of street vendors and haphazard roads. I visited the MASP (art gallery), which had a fantastic collection of art by the likes of Degas, Monet, Constable and Picasso, and found a loud protest taking place outside by students, carefully watched by battalions of police. I walked around the city with a leaflet Iīd picked up at the tourist info place which pointed out the sights. Not the safest place Iīve ever been though, and am planning to leave tonight...

Posted by Rowena on September 29, 2005 07:40 PM
Category: Brazil
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