BootsnAll Travel Network

Prague -Day 1

So this day started off horrible and just got worse.  I woke up and my cold has completely gone to my chest.  Horrible chest congestion and a barking cough…yeah it sucks.  But I’m in Europe and got to make the best of it.

After breakfast I jumped on the S-bahn and headed back to the Hauptanbof.  Once there I went down to the 2nd level (it has four levels of trains going through it!) and discovered that I had just missed a train to Prague by about fifteen minutes.  I now had to wait almost two hours for the next one.  So I made my way to McDonald’s but I was good and didn’t eat anything.  Instead I just hung out and listened to music.  Talk about a boring hour and a half…so I finally got on the train and had my own little 1st class booth.

The train ride was beautiful, through some mountains and into this river valley with castles lining the Elbe river every so often.  Really pretty!  After just four hours I was in the Czech Republic.  My first impression of Prague is…wow and not a good wow.  The city looks kind of run down and dirty.  Now remind you, I’m not staying in the old nicely kept up part..but the newer and Communist era part of town.  I got to the hostel easy enough and it’s actually pretty nice, it looks like it was meant to be apartments because there’s a stove and refrigerator and everything in there.

Anyways after I got settled in, I came downstairs to use the internet and got some bad news from home.  Needless to say I was upset and decided to go down to the Old Square to see some of the sights to get my mind off things.  Well as I came to find out, walking by yourself for 20 minutes leaves lots of time to think about things.  Yeah…

So anyways I took some pictures and walked around a bit.  Since I lost my apetite, I decided to walk up Wencelas Square and back to the hostel.  After I got here I grabbed my laptop and added my pictures to my past posts as promised and wrote this one.  Some Irish girls just threw on Dodgeball so I guess I’ll watch the rest of this and go to bed and try to get better…I hate being sick.

Here’s to 2 more weeks in Europe and to feeling better!!


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2 responses to “Prague -Day 1”

  1. rene says:

    hope things are ok back home for you. and i hope you feel better soon!

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