BootsnAll Travel Network

All the rest…

We are at an Internet cafe where for onehour a dayyou canget free Internet if you buy a drink. So I have thirty minutes to write as much as possible. I amdrinking a lemon soda in case you were wondering it is very good. So today is our last day invenice and our last day in Italy.

On our last day in Florence we started the day by going to see the accademia gallery. We got toskip the line because we had our pass. Anyway the accademia is
small andits main draw is michelangelo’s sculpture of David. It is amazing, andso realistic. Joanna and I were obsessed with the detailin the right hand. Then we walks around forence taking in the sights one final time andbrowsing the shops/stalls. We also had to get my ticket to la spezia for the next day. The first time we went we waited in line and then were told that my eurail was invalid because I had one date written as the first of septemberrather than the 31st of august. Apparently the man is supposed to enter all that stuff when he validated our eurailsbut he told us to door. The teller said that I would haveto pay 30 euros to get it fixed. I said no thank you, left, and changed it myself for free. We left andcame back later to get the ticket just to make sure I wouldn’t get the same guy again.

That night we went to a one act opera with salvatore, maddalena, and their middle daughter francesca. It was only one act, which was good because we were really tired and we had to wake up early the next day.

The next day was ci que terre. It is beautiful and really touristy on the beach andinthe first town. On the hiking trail there are way fewer people. Anywway it is really beautiful and thewater is really beautiful and sparkly. Each sparkle is really big and shaped like a star if that makes sense. Anyway we hiked all through the five towns. The last oneidls supposedto be really short and it ended up Taking forever for some reason. We barely made it to the hostel before seven which is the latestyou can get there. We got there with two minutes to spare. I was so tired by then that I went to sleep right away.

The next day was mostly travel. We had to take a ton of trains to get to Venice. There was one from riomaggiore to la spezia to Pisa to Firenze to bologna to Venice. Then we had to take an hour boat to lido where we are staying. Ahh like in death in Venice!!! Anyway these past few days we’ve been riding a lot of vaporettos. We went to two famous churches. Salute is famous because the venetian plague survivors built in thanks for their salvation. San marco, which is so incredibly touristy and crowded is famous for it’s incredible mosaics. We also went to murano the glass blowing/crafting island and the Jewish ghetto. We love Venice butthere isn’t a lot of sites, which is nice in our last few days. We have mostly been enjoying the bridges and the water everywhere! Ok well I have only a little time left so I’ll wrap up. Tomorrow we leave early, spend a couple hours in Paris and arrive hope. I’m excited to see if I remember any French after being surrounded by italian for so long. Today there these really cute little French girls on the waterbus with us. They had memorized the name of every stop. It was so cute!! Hahah ok time to goo! Goodbye Italy!!!!!


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