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August 12, 2004

Welcome back to Oz!

Although I really enjoy seeing new places and becoming familiar with the unknown, it was great to get to Sydney knowing that it would already be familiar. I spent 6 months here during my last year of college, so aside from the familiarity of being back in a first world culture, it has been great seeing some familiar faces as well.

I checked myself into the Royal Garden Hotel right in Downtown Sydney for 3 nights. It's funny the things you appreciate when you've been deprived of them for so long - extra toilet paper in the bathroom (or toilet paper at all for that matter), little bottles of shampoo and soap for FREE, not having to wear shoes in the shower....

For my first day in Sydney I - slept until 3pm. Partly because I was jetlagged (Sydney is 9 hours ahead of Cape Town), and partly because, well, because I could. I had plans to meet up with my Norweigan friend Line (pronounced Lee-na) for a drink later that night and I decided that my Ms. Crocodile Hunter safari clothes weren't going to cut it now that I was back in a normal city, so I went shopping for some new clothes before meeting up with her.

I had hopes of finding a Taco Bell, after some of Lines friends said that one had opened downtown, but unfortunately it had closed. I've managed to limit myself to binging on MacDonalds only once. I think watching "Super Size Me" on the plane from Johannesburg scared me out of the eating marathon that I was so looking forward to after leaving Africa. After the 3 days in the RG Hotel were up, I moved into a dorm at the Maze Backpackers - where the duvets on the all the beds are Australian Flags, nice touch!

For the last few days I've been walking around downtown Sydney seeing all the famous sights again. My first stop was of course the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. If you ever wondered how Danish Architect Jorn Utzon came up with the design for the Opera House, here is the plaque that shows the different sections and how they were cut out of a sphere. I also wandered past Darling Harbour, Centerpoint Tower, and spent some time in Coogee, where I lived when I was here going to the University of New South Wales. I also checked out my old house at 9 Moore St., and Coogee Beach, which was just down the road.

On Saturday night, Line and I went to a going away party for her boyfriend, Sean, who is returning to Canada after 2 years of being away. One of Seans friends, Josh (left), believe it or not, was a 2002 quarterfinalist in the International Rock Paper Scissors Competition. No kidding. I learned ALL about the "sport" of Rock Paper Scissors. I think I may begin training when I get back home.

It has been a nice few days adjusting to city life again and preparing for the next phase of my travels, and tomorrow morning I will begin up the coast toward Byron Bay. On the way I'll stop in a few small towns and also pay a visit to Kevin and Andrea, a Canadian-British couple that I met back in 1999 in the Galapagos Islands.

Posted by msshell on August 12, 2004 09:01 AM
Category: Australia

Hey hey! Glad to hear you are getting a little "rest" from your camping. Amazing photos, as always! I think I have my computer at home running again, so text me if you're online.

Posted by: Sherry on August 15, 2004 10:00 AM

Ah, the elusive Taco Bell. Where in the World is Michelle? She is now in Australia hunting down any Taco Bell that remains open. :-) Finding none in Sydney, she heads up the coast, eyes ever alert for Taco Bell. What will she do when she finds one? Interested readers want to know.

Posted by: sue on August 15, 2004 10:45 AM

i have a feeling when michelle finds a taco bell... we will get to view a dozen or so pictures of taco bell buidling, tacos, burritos, nachos, etc, etc :) hey about shipping her some at her next stop :)

Posted by: ron on August 16, 2004 05:49 PM

Wow, new clothes! That must have felt like heaven. I still can't comprehend how you survived so long living out of that tiny backpack! Next time I hit Taco Bell I will have some nachos in your honor.

Posted by: Susan on August 18, 2004 10:02 AM

ei ciao michelle
you have a nice hp. it will take a long time untill i read all the trips you did.
I wish you all the best for australia.

Posted by: Enrico on August 18, 2004 07:22 PM

There is NOT a rock, paper, scissors competition.............IS THERE???? i don't believe it. but maybe now there's hope for me in some kind of sport!! 'The last kid picked in gym class', eh???--i'll show them!!

Glad you're having fun. I'm going home on Sept 10th weekend...I'll wave to your mom and dad!!.....and eat a yummy 7-layer burrito (without the meat of course) for you!! yummmmm.....

Nothing new going on here....miss you bird! i'll write more soon!

Oh, and i just saw this great movie--Garden State....bird, if you have spare time, and they have it there, go see it. Good soundtrack too! Later!

Posted by: Manali on August 19, 2004 11:33 AM

There is NOT a rock, paper, scissors competition.............IS THERE???? i don't believe it. but maybe now there's hope for me in some kind of sport!! 'The last kid picked in gym class', eh???--i'll show them!!

Glad you're having fun. I'm going home on Sept 10th weekend...I'll wave to your mom and dad!!.....and eat a yummy 7-layer burrito (without the meat of course) for you!! yummmmm.....

Nothing new going on here....miss you bird! i'll write more soon!

Oh, and i just saw this great movie--Garden State....bird, if you have spare time, and they have it there, go see it. Good soundtrack too! Later!

Posted by: Manali on August 19, 2004 11:33 AM

how the HECK did it post twice???? and how the HECK do you UNpost?? oh well....sorry dude.

Posted by: Manali on August 19, 2004 11:34 AM

Hey Everyone: Thanks for the words of encouragement re: Taco Bell. I'm still on the hunt... doesn't look like theres any relief in sight.

Posted by: Michelle on August 20, 2004 07:30 AM

Hey Michelle,

Can you go to the dentist office by the harbor and set Nemo and his friends free?


Posted by: Ed on August 20, 2004 02:14 PM
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