BootsnAll Travel Network

Partying with Guatemalans and learning the days of the week!

Ok so firstly I need to clear one thing, in my last blog I rambled on about how I started Spanish lessons tomorrow and how we were going to have an early one so we could be bright in the morning… It hadn´t occurred to me since being here to actually learn what day I was living in, which may have been a good idea to double check what with the 18hour time difference the general confusion that my days are puncuated with regardless of the country. Turns out that yesterday was saturday, not sunday therefore there was no Spanish class tomorrow morning. We didn´t discover this until gone midnight on what turned out to be not such a quiet night out when the bouncer turfing us out the bar informed us that it was now Domingo. After many No Se´s and ¿Hablo Ingles?es it finally sunk in that yes we were wrong and therefore, apart from having to accept that we´re stupid, we could carry on with our night out!

On leaving the bar we were handed a small piece of paper with the address of a house where our night could continue. After following a group of locals we soon found the street only to be welcomed by police, who obviously aware of the house party wanted to keep trouble to a minimum and promptly frisked Michael, whose Britishness didn’t quite prepare him for the tactilness of the experiance, and asked for our passports. These obviously we weren’t carrying, and wouldn’t have handed over anyway, so after some trustworthy smiles and wide innocent eyes the police seemed satisfied that we weren´’t going to shoot anyone and let us proceed.

I’m not entirely sure how we actually got into the party, and this isn’t due to lack of sobriety, but can maybe go back to the confusion factor! What I can tell you is that one minute we were being told by a big, no nonsense Latino guy that we weren’t allowed in, then after a brief conversation with a massive German who I impressed with my extensive Deusch vocab which goes no further than the word “Schmetaling” (butterfly) we were suddenly being let in- for free!

The party was a complete spectacle, and felt like we had walked into one of those cool Mexican indie films! It was in the garden of the house where a makeshift bar had been set up and everyone was keeping themselves warm from the near freezing temperatures by dancing around the large fire in the middle of the garden. I passed the time testing my painfully broken español on the locals, who, looking back were probably just trying to be sleazy and watching all the hoochy latino dancing that was going on which was hilarious as one couples manic moves meant they were constantly knocking into Michael, who was doing well to keep his patience though sticking out his elbows to subtly retaliate…

Around 3 we decided to leave and did the one thing you shouldn’t in this country and walk home after dark. Fortunately there is absoloutely nothing to report on this, and the next thing I can remember is waking up at 2pm today… We’ll call that jet lag!


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