¿No se?
So we´re here! After a hectic few days which saw in 2 february 19th´s and enough flights to make me feel like I´m constantly swaying we have arrived in Gautemala! Getting here ended up being quite smooth travelling but at one point was looking to be a potential nightmare and involved enough running through Mexico airport to remind me that it really has been 9months since I set foot in a gym!
After landing yesterday we got a shuttle bus that went to Antigua which we were relieved to find as wondering around Gautemala city with backpacks hanging off you is a big no no, it also saved us the stress of our jet lagged little brains having to think or use common sense which is always a bonus!
Within minutes the journey to Antigua restored all the excitment I have for travelling that Australia sucked out, the country is stunning and quite unlike any others we´ve been to yet…what with it being on a new continent an all!
Despite the fact I have hiccups that won´t shift I´m loving Antigua. It´s a quiet little city, filled with cobelled streets (I´ve only fallen over once), dozens of churches and cathedrals and no matter where you are there is always a view of either the hills, mountains or volcanoes- which we´ll call dormant for now. Another sight with is equally commonplace is the amount of weapons people carry here. You can´t walk down a street without someone stolling past casually weilding a huge gun (being a girl I can´t inform you of the types!), even in the shop we brought glue from toady we were greeted by an armed gaurd! Anyway it beats waitressing in Noosa…
One issue we´ve had to get around since arriving is that people assume Michael is a local with a gringo, a rather tall one at that, but a Spanish speaker all the same. Unfortunatley not an ounce of Spanish runs through his half Norweigen half Anglo Indian blood resulting in a lot of confused smilling and shaking of heads. So to help Michael´s authenticity we decided to sign up for a week of spanish classes which start tomorrow morning and means we get to live with a Gautemalan family for a week. I´m so excited about this and being the show off that I am can´t wait to get home and impress everyone with my spanish (and you will be impressed). Better still we get 3 meals a day at this place… I can´t think of anything better than free food…
Tonight our plans are to go for a few drinks but try and get an early one so we can be bright little students tomorrow- by the end of the day I´ll definately be fluent!
Tags: Antigua, Gautemala, Travel
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