August 11, 2004
Myanmar: The Land of the Lost
We have escaped Myanmar and are now once again in touch with the rest of the world. Escaped probably isn't the right word to use, rather let's just say that we left. Poorer than Laos, more oppressed than China at its worst and more confusing than the rest of Asia put together. Myanmar stands out in so many ways. It now stands out in another way, our favorite destination so far in Asia.Read this update
Posted by kobb at 06:11 AM |
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July 21, 2004
Heading Off the Beaten Path
A long standing problem on our trip is that some of it has felt a bit too planned, too thought out. In an effort to shake things up a little bit we decided to scrap what we had planned to do for the rest of our time in Thailand and head on over to Myanmar...Read this update
Posted by kobb at 11:01 PM |
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