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September 21, 2004

Salsa Dancing y Cuarenta

We started our Spanish classes on Monday and so far so good. My mind is starting to think in Spanish, but the result is that I have a hard time constructing sentences in English! Is it possible for me to write over the English part of my brain and not know any languages?!!

The teachers at the school are very competent and friendly. They really make an effort to teach the culture as well as the language. Today we had Salsa dancing lessons. In spanish salsa means "sauce" I have decided that it must get its name for one of two reasons:

1) "Sauce" refers to the copious sweating that the dancing causes.


2) You really need to be "sauced" to attempt this dance!

I felt like a serious gringo trying to shake my hips all over the room, but is was tremendous fun. Afterwards, the head of the school taught us a popular Ecuadorian Card game "Cuarenta" (which just means 40) It is a game played in teams of two. We played men vs. women and, in a close one, the ladies prevailed!

Posted by Jim & Lisa on September 21, 2004 08:12 PM
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