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* Merry Christmas
* The Complete List * Executions and Ugly Wigs * Bad Training... * Itīs Come to This?
December 22, 2005Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas and Happy New Year! I just hope none of your phones were tapped when I was calling!...Read this update December 18, 2005The Complete ListMore info on the death penalty. It has been brought to my attention by a comment posted that some countries werenīt identified by me as having the death penalty in my last entry and that was probably due to my...Read this update December 13, 2005Executions and Ugly WigsWell...the last two weeks has been a huge week for legal executioners in the United States. First, the US celebrated the execution of itsī one thousandth prisoner since 1977. WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME! I am sooooooo proud!!! Then, yesterday amid much...Read this update December 08, 2005Bad Training...There are loads of blind people, or at least "visually impaired" people here in Spain. I see them all the time. Well, in the last few weeks I have seen some sad little examples of what passes here for seeing...Read this update December 02, 2005Itīs Come to This?I was walking down Calle Montera (commonly known or described as "The street with all the hookers on it near the McDonalds on Gran Via") on my way to Puerta del Sol to meet my friends that are visiting. I...Read this update |
Latest Comments
Toby: You are so lucky to be in Europe :=) I'm very simi... [read]
maria: Deberías escribir en spanish para practicar, si no... [read] funchilde: His autobiography: Losing My Virginity is pretty g... [read] Funchilde: Duffy, I've been following your blog for months a... [read] Borat: Jagshemash. I was most pleased to see my home coun... [read] Frank: Other countries that implement the death penalty (... [read] Mr. Papa Georgio: hola kevin, que tal al siempre? esta aqui mi zana... [read] Scott: I read your homeless person article after a drunk ... [read] joe: I am glad you are disturged by what you saw. I thi... [read] Lorena: Hola Kevin , nada no hay manera. A toda la gente q... [read] |