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February 16, 2006

Anyone Else For Some Hunting?

I saw that Cheney had "mistakenly" shot a hunter partner the other day on the bottom of CNN the other day. I immediately thought, "good, maybe this guy will die and Cheney will finally get what is coming to him." As soon as I thought this, I shuddered. These people and this administration is so bad that they have driven me (angelic heart and all) into thinking that an "innocent" (though, really, if he is a private hunting buddy of Cheney´s, how innocent can he be?) man should die. It made me sick to my stomach.

But seriously, what do these people have to do to finally reap the effects of their actions?

*Lying (or at a bare minimum, "misrepresenting" the facts) to go to war - check

*Secretly spy on the American public - check

*Operate "secret" prisons around the world to hide your activities - check

*Openly torture people in US custody - check

*Operate Guantanamo Bay Prison, classified by the UN as sanctioned torture - check

*Leaking classified info about CIA operatives fighting nuclear proliferation...and doing so as political retribution - double check

*Shooting hunting partners without even having hunting licenses - check

*Proposing ammendments to actually write discrimination into the Constitution - check

*Alienating the world - check

*In general, just being savage, heartless pricks - triple check

Guns don´t hurt people, moronic vice-presidents with itchy trigger (and bomb) fingers do.

All of this just further illustrates the administration´s casual attitude towards law and decency. These people feel like than can do whatever the hell they want. They believe they are above the law. And, until they are impeached, they will continue to continue acting in the same manner.

Posted by KDuffy on February 16, 2006 12:41 PM
Category: Bush is the Devil

Si lo escribo en español casi ninguno de mis amigos podrían leerlo, sabes? Estoy bien, k tal tu?

Posted by: Kevin on February 16, 2006 12:44 PM

I assume the whole incident was quite similar to the scene in wedding crashers...

Posted by: MD on February 17, 2006 04:09 PM
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