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January 09, 2006Richard Branson: My Kind of Guy
You got to like this guy. He makes billions off his companies and then bounces around the world in hot-air balloons and private jets. He certainly knows what he wants in life and then goes for it. You have to respect that (or at least I do) agree or not. Turns out, he wants blondes. I was checking in at Virgin Atlantic desk the other day. All of a sudden, straight out of the movies (think "Catch Me if You Can"), a man-devouring horde of female flight attendants stroll through the doors. They possessed one single over riding quality. Of the 15 or so I saw, 13 of them had blonde hair. Quite impressive in todayīs political correct environment. Itīs like the Seinfeld episode when Elaine thinks that the coffee shop only hires big-breasted women but it turns out they were all the owners daughters. How many kids does Branson have? As many as Shawn Kemp? If not, the question is, how do they get away with hiring so many more blondes than brunettes and gingers? More importantly, am I the only person that is interested in this? If so, not sure why you are reading right now. So, during the flight I decided to ask one of the flight attendants. While she was refilling my wine I just threw it out there. Me - "How long have you been working for Virgin Atlantic?" After all the polite "do you like it..." and "it must be pretty cool to fly around the world for free" bullshit I just blurted out, "Do you think being a blonde helped you get the job?" She didnīt seem too amused by my line of questioning. Then it occurred to me that it could have been taking as an insult, like she was bad at her job and was only hired because she was blessed with blonde hair and a sweet, sweet ass (truth hurts I guess). I attempted to cover up my psuedo insult quite awkwardly and as a result of my inappropriate (to some) question I didnīt receive anymore wine from her for the duration of the flight. I think it is interesting because it seems like Virgin Atlantic and Branson are trying to bring back the old stereotypical image of earlier flight attendants (young, blonde and attractive being the three qualities I think of most). I remember these stereotypes from movies and then remember being disappointed by seeing actual men serving food and drinks after flying on a plane. Personally, I donīt have any problem with a little sexual discrimination when it comes to hiring flight of the few things from the 50īs that they did right! Comments
His autobiography: Losing My Virginity is pretty good. Crazy guy! Thanks for the kodak picture share my computer was acting crazy so I only got thru half! Hope you are well! Posted by: funchilde on January 11, 2006 05:15 PM |
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