About Me (2)
Bush is the Devil (13) Life In Spain (54) Lisbon (2) Photos (7) Random Obsevations (7) Read What I Read (1) Teaching English (13) Youthful Exuberance and Indiscretions (3)
Recent Entries
* No Childproof Lighters at Las Fallas
* Carnival in Cadiz * Anyone Else For Some Hunting? * Espacio en Espaņa * Richard Branson: My Kind of Guy * Merry Christmas * The Complete List * Executions and Ugly Wigs * Bad Training... * Itīs Come to This? * I am a big pussy * My Fellow Brethren... * Slaughtering Chickens and Cruise Ship Attacking Pirates * New Pics * A Trip to the Cinema * The Superstar Has Returned * Semi-coherent Ramblings * Pics from Barcelona, Toledo and Valencia * La Tomatina Pics * No one could have predicted this disaster huh?
September 21, 2004About Me
I graduated from University of Maryland at College Park with a degree in Government and Politics, worked as a lobbyist in DC for a while and then moved back to New Jersey. For almost the three years I have worked as a case manager for families affected by the World Trade Center attacks on 9.11.01. In October 2005, I moved to Madrid to teach English. I'm now back in the states plotting the next destination. For those who don't know...I'm a wild eyed liberal and can't stand the state of politics in the US. To me, Bush is the most dangerous president in American history and especially bad news for the world (particular emphasis on poor people) if he is re-elected.
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