I've Almost Been Killed Several Times Mexican Exile |
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October 14, 2004Ferry to La Paz
After an arduous journey across the Sea of Cortez in the run down little Ferry Sematur, Ive finally arrived in La Paz. If anybody wants to see the Peasant Class of Mexico look no further than any transportation with Econimica in the title. Im very fortunate to have packed along some toilet paper for the trip, of course I ran into some enfermoi troubles with the unhegeinic conditions. I will be staying at the Pension California, kind of a quirky little place, only 140 pesos tonight, and I dont know where I will be staying tomorrow! La Paz is very beautiful, the entire peninsula appears to be desert. Jacques Costeau called the Sea of Cortez the Worlds Aquarium. Im two months early for whale watching season but Id love to try some snorkeling while Im here. Comments
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