Sand and Tsunamis Travels between Saudi Arabia and Japan |
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* Gojira!!
* We're Off to See Godzilla! * Update and More Pictures * Cool Map Feature... * Visit to Odawara Castle * Some pictures * Geocacheing * They let women DRIVE here! * Cool things here in Japan * Adventures in Sushi * Adjusting to Life in Japan * Konnichiwa! * What an exciting year... * TIBETAN CHEST: DETAIL * NEW FURNITURE! * Feb Brunch at Shonan Village * KH hongkong * HONG KONG: FEB 05 * Eat a camel? * This Just In...US to Cease Existence in 2007!
May 28, 2005We're Off to See Godzilla!
Well, on a whim yesterday, I called the New Sanno to see if there were vacancies for last night, and upon securing a room, hopped on the train to Tokyo. I just killed last night watching TV (History Channel, Discovery Channel, and Fox News - we don't have TV at home), grabbed some supper and a couple of beers, and went to bed around 10 PM. We had the day off yesterday, so I ran errands over at Yokosuka Naval Base before heading uptown. As you may have guessed, Melody's back at sea now. She left for the summer cruise on Monday, and is now somewhere in the Pacific, steaming around doing training. So, I'm on my own. I'll be travelling to Hokkaido next week for work, so I hope to have some pictures ready to add to the blog after I get back. But, for now, I'm going to kick around Tokyo and see the sights. Inspired by a blog entry of Erik Trinidad (The Global Trip 2004 - ""), I figure that today's a good day to risk my life to find such a ferocious, yet always dependable monster. Whenever Tokyo is at risk of destruction at the hands, feet, tail, and bad breath of some terrible creature, Godzilla (or Gojira, as they say here), always saves the day. Since I'm now a resident of Japan, it is my duty to pay my respects and thank him (?) for his service. I'll keep you posted...For now, I'm off to see Godzilla! Comments
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