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February 05, 2005Readership of the Blog...
I just spoke with George from the Empty Quarter trip who has some friends up in Iraq who read this blog. To you, let me say Thanks. We're down here, in the same theater, getting the same hostile fire pay, but aren't earning it nearly as much as you guys are. Your contribution up there is incredibly important, and you don't receive the kind of recognition in the main stream media that you should. You provided the stability for the elections, and are giving the Iraqis a new lease on life. Thanks, keep it up, and above all, keep your heads down. God Bless what you're doing. For my part in the Global War on Terror, I'll try to keep this blog interesting, and something to give you a diversion from the day to day grind up there. If I may, let me recommend Erik Trinidad's The Global Trip 2004, as he's a lot better about updating daily. And, he tends to be somewhere different every day. Comments
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