Sand and Tsunamis Travels between Saudi Arabia and Japan |
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* Visit to Odawara Castle * Some pictures * Geocacheing * They let women DRIVE here! * Cool things here in Japan * Adventures in Sushi * Adjusting to Life in Japan * Konnichiwa! * What an exciting year... * TIBETAN CHEST: DETAIL * NEW FURNITURE! * Feb Brunch at Shonan Village * KH hongkong * HONG KONG: FEB 05 * Eat a camel? * This Just In...US to Cease Existence in 2007! * This Just In... * This Just In...Easter Bunny Gets Pummeled by Boy at Mall * This Just In....When Old Ladies Attack
November 12, 2004Out into the big empty...
Tomorrow and for the next few days, I'll be away from the blog...We're headed out into the Empty Quarter to do a bit of camping, driving, rock hunting, and the like...There's a lot to see out there, and a lot of empty space. About a year ago, I read Wilfred Thesiger's book, Arabian Sands, which is his recollections of time spent with the Bedouin in the Empty Quarter. He spent years exploring the region between Saudi Arabia, Oman, and the UAE. Needless to say, reading that made me want a similar experience. I'm looking forward to the trip... As mentioned before, pictures will be forthcoming... Comments
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